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  1. Hace 4 días · AD&D (1e). I have the three main books, the Monster Manual 2, and a few other supplements like Manual of the Planes up to Unearthed Arcana. I don't have the three books that turned 1e into "1.5", but I do have a number of adventures, and the old Forgotten Realms gray box. AD&D (2e).

  2. Hace 18 horas · J'inaugure aujourd'hui une série de courts billets de synopsis de scénarii. Chaque post présentera le synopsis d'un scénario de la grande campagne pour Warhammer V2 : L'Ascension.

  3. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, en français Règles Avancées Oficielles de Donjons & Dragons, ou plus communément AD&D est un jeu de rôle de fantasy créé en 1978 par Gary Gygax et édité par TSR Games. Chaque édition propose comme ouvrages de base un Manuel des Joueurs et un Guide du Maître.

  4. Hace 5 días · Mike Henry is "stepping down" from his role as Cleveland Brown on Family Guy, and The Simpsons vows it will never again use a white actor in a non-white role. Can we just CANCEL The Simpsons...

  5. Hace 5 días · Over the past week, I've dug out the gladiators I painted back in 2018, glued some shields back on and refreshed some bases (the texture paste I applied back in 2018 never made me happy, so I flocked over it with some ochre-y fine grain flock) and started refreshing myself on Joe Veltre's "Sons of Mars," a game of Roman gladiators.

  6. Hace 5 días · May ‘24 In Review. I really want June to be a chill month, but it isn’t going to be, not with a work trip right in the middle of it, followed by a short vacation since I’m already out of town. But before looking ahead to that, May was another busy month. The first half of the month was swamped by the audit at work, and then the second ...

  7. Hace 3 días · tips are welcome. but not forced. created with the vr oculus rift-s using Medium screen grabs from zbrush obj file with texture map for those using colour printers. stl for the rest of us. lol based on a very old miniature model for dungeons and dragons. in the years of playing the game i only found one female troll. so recreated it for printing. mostly for resin printers. model was worked so ...