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  1. Hace 4 días · In the late 20th century Colchester prided itself on being the oldest recorded town in Britain, the name Camulodunum having been used by the early 3rdcentury writer Dio Cassius in his account of the Emperor Claudius's conquests in 43 A.D. The identity of Colchester with Camulodunum was finally established only in the 19th century ...

  2. Hace 5 días · Camulodunum means ‘fortress of the war god Camulos’. In about AD 5 Cunobelin, or Cymbeline as Shakespeare called him, began to issue coins – and kept them coming for about the next thirty years. Colchester was his power base. AD 40 Cunobelin dies. AD 43 Emperor Claudius invades.

  3. Hace 5 días · Camulodunum was the Romanized form of the British name Camulodunon, meaning 'fortress of Camulos', the Celtic war-god. At the time of the Roman conquest of 43 A.D. it was the principal centre of the Trinovantes, a tribe thought to have occupied an area roughly corresponding to Essex and south Suffolk.

  4. Hace 3 días · Boudica was a historical figure from Iron Age Britain who is often associated with her role in the revolt of 60/61 CE against Rome. Jul 6, 2024 • By Rachel Sweeney, MA Art History, BA History & Art History. Boudica is a historical figure that continues to be shrouded in mystery. Not much is known about her beyond her role in the rebellion of ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Outside the dyke system, west of Gosbecks, was the burial place of the native aristocracy of Camulodunum, which continued in use after the Roman conquest. The four main cremation burials had been made in wooden mortuary chambers within large enclosures, a practice otherwise known only at St. Albans.

  6. Hace 1 día · July 8, 2024. The Claudius invasion of Britain in 43AD wasn’t just a fleeting episode in ancient history; it was a turning point that shaped centuries to come. For many, this event remains shrouded in mystery, with its significance often overlooked amid Rome’s vast imperial conquests. Yet, understanding this invasion reveals much about ...

  7. Hace 4 días · London - Capital, Roman, Medieval: Although excavations west of London have revealed the remains of circular huts dating from before 2000 bc, the history of the city begins effectively with the Romans. Beginning their occupation of Britain under Emperor Claudius in ad 43, the Roman armies soon gained control of much of the southeast ...