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  1. Hace 3 días · Under the leadership of the populist media entrepreneur Alfred Hugenberg from 1928, the party moved to the far-right and reclaimed its reactionary nationalist and anti-republican rhetoric and changed its strategy to mass mobilisation, plebiscites, and support of authoritarian rule by the president instead of work by parliamentary means.

  2. Hace 3 horas · Around 1930, the media magnate and German National People’s Party head Alfred Hugenberg and the German President Paul von Hindenburg had begun to court Hitler, thinking he would support rearmament and help them subvert the left’s growing electoral strength.

  3. Hace 5 días · Alfred Hugenberg, a German nationalist businessman, cancelled UFA's debt to Paramount and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer after taking charge of the company in April 1927, and chose to halt distribution in German cinemas of Metropolis in its original form.

  4. Hace 2 días · A man named Alfred Hugenberg controlled a media network that fed news to 1600 local newspapers across the country. He was very conservative, antisemitic, and anti-democratic.

  5. › wiki › Carl_SchmittCarl Schmitt - Wikipedia

    Hace 4 días · Alfred Hugenberg, the leader of the German National People's Party, one of the Nazis' partners in the coalition government that was being squeezed out of existence, hoped to slow the Nazi takeover of the country by threatening to quit his ministry position in the Cabinet.

  6. Hace 1 día · Auch das Presseimperium des DNVP-Vorsitzenden Alfred Hugenberg unterstützte Hitler fortan, weil er in ihm und der NSDAP lenkbare Mittel sah, den deutschnationalen Kräften zu einer Massenbasis zu verhelfen. Führertagung der NSDAP in Bad Elster, 22. Juni 1930.

  7. Hace 3 días · A man named Alfred Hugenberg controlled a media network that fed news to 1600 local newspapers across the country. He was very conservative, antisemitic, and anti-democratic. He developed a strategy that he called Katastrophenpolitik, the politics of catastrophe, bringing what we would "wedge issues," and putting them on the public agenda.