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  1. Hace 20 horas · Uno de los tratados sobre la guerra más importantes de la Historia es De la Guerra, del militar prusiano Carl von Clausewitz.Escrito en la época inmediatamente posterior a las Guerras Napoleónicas, se trata, en parte, de un compendio del conocimiento militar de la época, pero también una redefinición del arte de la guerra, al que su autor quiere adaptar a la nueva realidad bélica moderna.

  2. Hace 3 días · Many of the best-known theorists of war, such as Carl von Clausewitz and Antoine-Henri de Jomini taught and wrote at military schools (Gat, 2001). In fact, Clausewitz’s foundational work, On War , grew out of the dramatic changes in warfare that he witnessed during the Napoleonic Wars.

  3. › cgi › viewcontentNaval War College Review

    Hace 3 días · enduring value of Carl von Clausewitz’s On War stems in large part from its author’s ability to integrate common events and phenomena that occur on the battlefield into an overarching theory of war. This is nowhere more evident than in the concept of friction.

  4. Hace 1 día · In Clausewitz’s eyes, the military, political and economic sectors of a society should be united under one common goal and one common command structure. Because the government owned the designs, they were free to work with anyone. In the US, 10 companies made Sherman tanks.

  5. Hace 20 horas · On 25 December one of his generals Yorck von Wartenburg found himself isolated because the Russian army blocked the road. After five days he was urged by his officers (and in the presence of Carl von Clausewitz), at least to neutralization of his troops and an armistice. Yorck's resolution had enormous consequences.

  6. Hace 4 días · The dialogue was later praised by the Prussian war theorist Carl von Clausewitz (1780–1831) and has achieved a prominent place in the history of writings on war. Among Machiavelli’s lesser writings, two deserve mention: The Life of Castruccio Castracani of Lucca (1520) and The Mandrake (1518; La Mandragola ).

  7. Hace 20 horas · La política, como la definió Carl Von Clausewitz, es la guerra por otros medios. Cae uno caen todos. SE REPITE LA HISTORIA Tuvo unos 20 años prácticamente fuera del gusto popular, a pesar de sus esfuerzos y aportes. El instante llegó como dice una canción del grupo de rock venezolano “Caramelos de Cianuro”.

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