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  1. Hace 17 horas · En 1517 Carlos, el nieto de los Reyes Católicos, se convierte en el primer rey de España. Fue conocido como: Carlos I de España y V de Alemania. Este hecho dio paso al reinado de la dinastía de la Casa de Austria. Los Austrias, como también se conocen, se dividen en Austrias mayores (Carlos I y Felipe II) y Austrias menores (Felipe III ...

  2. Hace 3 días · The name Plantagenet is used by modern historians to identify four distinct royal houses: the Angevins, who were also counts of Anjou; the main line of the Plantagenets following the loss of Anjou; and the Houses of Lancaster and York, two of the Plantagenets cadet branches.

  3. Hace 2 días · His official heir was Philip of Anjou, a grandson of Louis XIV of France, whose main backers were France and most of Spain. His rival, Archduke Charles of Austria, was supported by the Grand Alliance, whose primary members included Austria, the Dutch Republic, and Great Britain.

  4. Hace 4 días · The term Angevin Empire ( / ˈændʒɪvɪn /; French: Empire Plantagenêt) describes the possessions held by the House of Plantagenet during the 12th and 13th centuries, when they ruled over an area covering roughly all of present-day England, half of France, and parts of Ireland and Wales, and had further influence over much of the remaining British ...

  5. Hace 3 días · Els Decrets de Nova Planta són el conjunt de lleis sancionades i promulgades per Felip V a l'inici del seu regnat —el primer decret és del 1701, i el darrer del 1719— que implantaren el règim absolutista a la Monarquia d'Espanya. Amb totes aquestes lleis el monarca borbònic s'arrogà la sobirania dels regnes invocant un dret diví.

  6. Hace 5 días · El Rey Felipe VI llegó este viernes a El Salvador para asistir a la investidura de Nayib Bukele como presidente de esta nación centroamericana para los próximos cinco años (2024-2029).

  7. Hace 2 días · Charter of Henry I. (as king of the English and duke of the Normans) addressed generally, and notifying his gift to St. Mary of Fontevrault and its nuns, for the weal of his father and mother, and his wife, and his son William, and himself, for their livelihood (victum) in Lent, of 100l. in money of Rouen, every year at Michaelmas, and 50 mares ...

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