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  1. Hace 3 días · In 1892, Giovanni Giolitti became Prime Minister of Italy for his first term. Though his first government quickly collapsed a year later, Giolitti returned in 1903 to lead Italy's government during a fragmented reign that lasted until 1914.

  2. Hace 4 días · Resulting inquiries revealed that the bank had made interest-free loans to leading politicians, including Crispi himself and former treasury minister Giovanni Giolitti, who was prime minister from May 1892 to November 1893.

  3. Hace 2 días · Calamandrei ha riportato, come ho fatto anch’io, l’ultimo brevissimo discorso di Giovanni Giolitti alla Camera (Giolitti peraltro responsabile di tanti cedimenti nei confronti del fascismo), che, di fronte alla legge elettorale del ’29, lista unica con scheda trasparente, dice “questa è la fine dello Statuto”.

  4. Hace 1 día · From 1901 to 1914, Italian history and politics was dominated by Giovanni Giolitti. He first confronted the wave of widespread discontent that Crispi's policy had provoked: no more authoritarian repression, but acceptance of protests and therefore of strikes, as long as they are neither violent nor political, with the (successful ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Information. Splendid set of 4 letters and a telegram, autographed and signed by Pierre de Coubertin, all concerning Rome's candidacy for the 1908 Olympics. First letter from Paris, dated 10/02/1904, addressed to Giovanni Giolitti, 4 pp. in 8th; second letter from Bern, 02/20/1905, addressed to the Mayor of Rome, Prince Prospero Colonna, two ...

  6. Hace 1 día · SCOPRI – TO Itinerari e sorprese torinesi Baratti e Milano, il prestigioso salotto della caffetteria sabauda fu ritrovo di grandi personalità già dal ‘900 come lo scrittore Cesare Pavese, l’ex presidente della Repubblica Luigi Einaudi ed il poeta del crepuscolarismo Guido Gozzano che dedicò a Baratti la celebre poesia Le Golose. Amarono questo locale anche l’ex presidente del ...

  7. Hace 4 días · Im Jahr 1911 führte die Regierung von Giovanni Giolitti das allgemeine Wahlrecht für männliche Bürger ein. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts sahen viele Beobachter in Italien im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern eine moderne und weitgehend stabile parlamentarische Demokratie.