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  1. Hace 5 días · Daphne du Maurier came from a line of distinguished eccentrics. Her great-great-grandmother, Mary Anne Clarke, dallied with the Duke of York. Her grandfather, George du Maurier, was a Punch caricaturist and novelist who wrote Trilby and Peter Ibbetson, largely unread today but wildly popular in their time.

    • Jean Paschke
  2. Hace 5 días · Peter Ibbetson. Ópera, música de Deems Taylor, libreto de Constance Collier y Deems Taylor, basado en la novela Peter Ibbetson de George Du Maurier.Estreno: Metropolitan Opera House de Nueva York, el 7 de febrero de 1931.

  3. Hace 1 día · As we continue our study through 2 Peter, we have found in chapter 1 Peter’s attempt to strengthen his audience so that they would not be overcome by false influences. In chapter 2 Peter has addressed false teachers. In the past few lessons we have noted that there will be false teachers who will seek to exploit the vulnerable.

  4. Hace 5 días · A veces el amor tiene algo de posesión y de sed de dominio - como en I've Always Loved You-, más que de complicidad, de mutua seducción o de entrega, o se mezcla con otros factores - el arte, la enfermedad, la locura, la pobreza, la política, la guerra -, porque a menudo así ocurre en la vida y porque muchas de estas películas hallaron su refugio, o su campo de acción más propicio, en ...

  5. Hace 1 día · This is a list of Academy Award–nominated films.. If a film won the Academy Award for Best Picture its entry is listed in a shaded background with a boldface title.

  6. Hace 3 días · Ingleby, Francis (Ingliby) probably scholar of Brasenose Coll. in and before 1565, a student of Inner Temple 1576, as of Ripley, Yorks (3rd son of Sir William), hanged at York 3 June, 1586, for being a Roman Catholic priest; brother of David and of William next-named. See Foster's Inns of Court Reg. Inglebie, (Sir) William.

  7. Hace 3 días · Part VI of the Malaysian Contracts Act 1950 ('of certain relations resembling those created by contract') embodies the old notion of quasi-contract or implied contract - what is now known under English Law and in other Common Law jurisdictions as restitution of unjust enrichment.