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  1. Hace 2 días · More recently, there have been two anti-foundationalist responses to skepticism: one by Richard Rorty and another by Stanley Cavell. Although their diagnoses of philosophical skepticism do not differ substantially, Rorty and Cavell diverge significantly in their response to it: While Rorty turns it into a futile project, Cavell takes it as an inevitable crisis for finite linguistic beings.

  2. Hace 3 días · - Vattimo, Gianni. “La edad de la interpretación.” En El futuro de la religión. Solidaridad, caridad, ironía, Richard Rorty y Gianni Vattimo. Barcelona: Paidós, 2006, 65-81 (trad. Il futuro della religione. Milano: Garzanti, 2005). - Vattimo, Gianni y Piergiorgio Paterlini. Non essere Dio - Un’autobiografia a quattro mani.

  3. Hace 2 días · Importantly, the idea of giving a new event to things suggests that the act of creating concepts is not exclusively a textual operation taking place at the level of writing, as in Derridean deconstruction (with one of its most famous statements saying: “there is no outside of the text [Il n’y a pas de hors-texte])” or in Richard Rorty’s work.

  4. Hace 2 días · Sin embargo, la tesis de Everett no debe considerarse a través de la plataforma reducida de la mente cartesiana, como si la mente fuera capaz de dividirse, como Buda, en tantos universos como sea necesario para que la mente piense. Como si la calidad y la cantidad de los mundos dependieran de la “imagen especular” (Rorty) de la mente.

  5. I am saying that there are different perspectives from which a person can engage the world and that you can change and use those perspectives, you are not tied to just one. What I am doing is extrapolating from the work and relying heavily on the works of Wilfrid Sellars, William Quine, Richard Rorty, John Searle, and Ludwig Wittgenstein etc.

  6. Hace 4 días · He then examines a series postmodern (and fellow-traveler) thinkers Richard Rorty, Andrea Dworkin, Jacques Derrida, Henry Giroux, and Chandra Mohanty, among others — who variously claim reason is weak, impotent, a tool of white and/or male and/or Eurocentric domination — and that the classroom is an activist site of political power struggles.

  7. Hace 12 horas · Szef działu politycznego „Kultury Liberalnej”, doktor filozofii i prawnik, autor książek „Nowy liberalizm. Jak zrozumieć i wykorzystać kryzys III RP” (2018) oraz „Pragmatyczny liberalizm. Richard Rorty i filozofia demokracji” (2022).

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