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  1. Hace 1 día · Leslie Greenhough, 69 años, de Stockport (Reino Unido), afirma ser dueño de la gata viva más vieja del mundo. Millie, una gata carey nacida en 1995, tiene 29 años y sigue vivita y coleando a base de pollo y pienso Purina. Leslie heredó a Millie de su difunta esposa, fallecida en 2020. Afirma que el secreto de su larga vida son “muchas golosinas” y “mimos en el sofá”.

  2. Hace 3 días · Competition - Descripción: An instrumental competition for musicians aged 17 to 24 judged at every stage by professionals. With video entry and live semi-final. A full rehearsal plus public concerto performance with orchestra..

  3. Hace 4 días · Staircase House. The house is famous for its rare Jacobean cage-newel staircase. A state-of-the-art audio guide recounts the full history of the house and is available in English, French, German, Cantonese and Urdu. This exciting attraction invites you to travel through the history of Staircase House from 1460 to WWII.

  4. Hace 3 días · The current population of the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport is 297,100. The population of the areas that comprise the borough grew rapidly in the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. In 1801 the population was around 30,000. By 1951 it had grown to more than 231,000.

  5. Hace 1 día · Leslie Greenhough, 69 años, de Stockport (Reino Unido), afirma ser dueño de la gata viva más vieja del mundo. Millie, una gata carey nacida en 1995, tiene 29 años y sigue vivita y coleando a base de pollo y pienso Purina. Leslie heredó a Millie de su difunta esposa, fallecida en 2020.

  6. Hace 4 días · It’s easy to find great food and drink in Stockport with a variety of wonderful pubs, which are famed locally for their excellent beers. Try a pint of Robinson’s; this local brewery has been producing beer in the Stockport area since 1838. Stockport’s food and drink culture is thriving. With new restaurants, bars, gastropubs, and cafes ...

  7. Hace 3 días · Stockport, Reino Unido. Pub: 01 Jun 2024. Stockport International Young Musicians Competition. 01 Jun 2024 - 29 Mar 2025. An instrumental competition for musicians aged 17 to 24 judged at every stage by professionals. With video entry and live… fecha límite: 20 Oct 2024. Online, Países Bajos.