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  1. Hace 3 días · We know him as the Plumed Serpent but Quetzalcoatl was so much more! Images of serpents have been represented in Mesoamerican art since Olmec times, and we know that they are related to fertility and the earth. Quetzalcoatl, however, had feathers and this made him an altogether different being.

  2. Hace 5 días · The Myth of Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl: a Summary. Ce Ácatl Topiltzin Quetzalcóatl, or “1 Reed, Our Prince Plumed Serpent”, was a holy man and patron of the post-classic Toltec city of Tollan which is now thought to be modern day Tula, situated in the state of Hidalgo, North of Mexico City.

  3. Hace 4 días · The other two were Quetzalcoatl "plumed serpent" and, according to experts, either Tlaloc (rain god) or Huitzilopochtli (Aztec patron and war god). Current abode: Luckily for him, Tezcatlipoca can be everywhere at one time, on earth, the heavens and in the underworld.

  4. Hace 1 día · At the Temple of the Plumed Serpent in Mexico, there is horn symbolism that’s also depicted with deities such as Kronos, Jupiter, Pan, and all their corresponding archetypes. The horn (qeren) signifies both radiance and seed symbolism. That isn’t the only thing they have in common.

  5. Hace 2 días · Tonight, we’ll read from “Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes” by Miss Parloa. The Maya believed that cacao was discovered by the gods in a mountain along with other delectable foods, for their divine use. According to Maya mythology, the Plumed Serpent gave cacao to the Maya after humans were created by the divine grandmother goddess.

  6. Hace 4 días · Entertainment. Celebrity; TV; Movies; Music; How to Watch; Interviews

  7. Hace 5 días · Revivals Pt 2 – Enlightenment in the Land of the Plumed Serpent Revivals Pt3 – Mystery Schools, The RCC and the Reformation Revivals Pt4 – The First Great Awakening & The Enigmatic George Whitefield