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  1. Hace 2 días · El descubrimiento de los rayos catódicos por parte de William Crookes en la década de 1870 y los experimentos posteriores de J.J. Thomson en la década de 1890 llevaron al descubrimiento del electrón, la primera partícula subatómica identificada.

  2. Hace 1 día · Thallium discovered – William Crookes; Valence discovered : Edward Frankland. Chemical composition of Water discovered : Henry Cavendish. Weston cell – Edward Weston (chemist) [citation needed] The synthesising of Xenon hexafluoroplatinate the first time to show that noble gases can form chemical compounds – Neil Bartlett; Sport

  3. Hace 4 días · Sir William Crookes was the first person to confirm the existence of cathode rays by displaying them, with his invention of the Crookes tube in 1878. With the help previous work, the first oscilloscope ‘Braun tube’ which is invented by German scientist Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897 can be named as the earliest cathode ray display device.

  4. Hace 9 horas · Sheffield retro: 26 nostalgic photos looking back at Spital Hill from the 1870s to the 1990s. Sheffield retro: 27 nostalgic photos taking you back to 1976, when Sheffield baked during long, hot summer

  5. Hace 9 horas · di Paolo Cortesi. Ci fu un tempo in cui le realizzazioni di Guglielmo Marconi furono ritenute la strada principale d’accesso alla telepatia e all’aldilà. Per la prima volta nella storia dell’uomo, l’invisibile comunicava.

  6. Hace 5 días · Silakan baca lebih lanjut. /p h3Pertanyaan/h3 apa penemuan sir william crookes? h3Jawaban #1 untuk Pertanyaan: apa penemuan sir william crookes?/h3 tabung sinar katode,maaf klo salah p Sekian tanya-jawab mengenai strongapa penemuan sir william crookes?/strong, semoga dengan ini bisa membantu menyelesaikan masalah kamu. /p

  7. Hace 1 día · Sám Crookes je jako fyzik velmi skeptický a v nadpřirozené jevy stále nevěří. Jenže pak se v místnosti objevuje neznámá tajemná postava v bílé róbě a s turbanem na hlavě, která zastřenými slovy varuje společnost, že Florence Cookové, která jako médium setrvává ve vedlejší místnosti, hrozí nebezpečí.

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