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  1. Hace 5 días · Miembros de las SS detuvieron y posteriormente asesinarona no menos de ochenta y cinco personas entre las que se encontraba Ernst Röhm, el jefe de las Tropas de Asalto (SA), vinculadas al NSDAP, el partido nacionalsocialista obrero alemán, acusados de tramar un complot contra el líder, Adolf Hitler.

  2. Hace 4 días · At the end of 1942, defeat at El-Alamein and at Stalingrad and the American landing in French North Africa brought the turning point in the war, and Hitler’s character and way of life began to change.

  3. › wiki › SwastikaSwastika - Wikipedia

    Hace 2 días · Once Adolf Hitler and the Nazis came to power, Kipling ordered that the swastika should no longer adorn his books. [ citation needed ] In 1927, a red swastika defaced by a Union Jack was proposed as a flag for the Union of South Africa .

  4. Hace 4 días · The East African campaign (also known as the Abyssinian campaign) was fought in East Africa during the Second World War by Allies of World War II, mainly from the British Empire, against Italy and its colony of Italian East Africa, between June 1940 and November 1941.

  5. Hace 1 día · Racial hierarchy The Nazis claimed to observe a strict and scientific hierarchy of the human race. Adolf Hitler's views on race and people are found throughout his autobiographical manifesto Mein Kampf but more specifically, they are found in chapter 11, the title of which is "Nation and Race". The standard-issue propaganda text which was issued to members of the Hitler Youth contained a ...