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  1. Hace 3 días · El diagnóstico de la dilatación de la aorta abdominal (AA) permite detectar aneurismas precozmente, acelerar la toma de decisiones e iniciar el tratamiento, mejorando el pronósticoy la sobrevida de estos pacientes. La medición precisa del diámetro máximo del AA es esencial, particularmente en el contexto de un AAA para establecer una indicación de intervención o […]

  2. Hace 3 días · Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a vascular pathology characterized by a local dilatation of the infrarenal aorta greater than 30 mm in diameter. This disease can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated in time, as the AAA can rupture and cause internal bleeding.

  3. Hace 4 días · Penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers account for ~7.5% (range 2.3-11%) of all cases of acute aortic syndrome 1 . In ~50% (range 42-61%) of cases, there are concurrent aortic aneurysms, most often in the abdomen 1.

  4. Hace 4 días · An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a serious condition that occurs when the aorta, the main blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the rest Of the body, becomes weakened and bulges outward. This bulge, or aneurysm, can grow over time and, if left untreated, can rupture, leading to life-threatening internal bleeding. Being...

  5. Hace 3 días · An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a focal dilatation of the 3 layers of the abdominal aorta vessel wall of at least 50% more than the expected normal diameter (or proximal segment) of the aorta. 7 Aortic diameter may vary according to age, sex, race, height, weight, body surface area, and baseline blood pressure. 7 Risk factors for the ...

  6. Hace 3 días · Erbel R, Aboyans V, Boileau C. 2014 ESC Guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of aortic diseases: document covering acute and chronic aortic diseases of the thoracic and abdominal aorta of the adult. Eur Heart J. 2014;35:2873–2926. Extensive document with mention of rare disorders. Genetic diseases that affect the aorta. Coral reef aorta.

  7. Hace 4 días · Normalmente es la prueba elegida para el diagnóstico de un aneurisma de la aorta abdominal, pero además también puede realizarse para diagnosticar o descartar otras enfermedades como la hipertensión pulmonar.