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  1. Hace 3 días · Napoleón Bonaparte no nació como tal sino como Napoleone Buonaparte el 15 de agosto de 1769 en Córcega, justo cuando los franceses habían ocupado la isla y la habían hecho suya. Hijo de dos corsos independentistas, definió así su llegada al mundo: "Nací cuando Córcega moría, 30.000 franceses se abrazan en nuestras costas ahogando el torno de la libertad en olas de sangre".

  2. Hace 4 días · France - Revolution, Empire, Napoleon: The revisionists who engineered the Brumaire coup intended to create a strong, elitist government that would curb the republic’s political turmoil and guarantee the conquests of 1789. They had in mind what might be called a senatorial oligarchy rather than a personal dictatorship.

  3. Hace 5 días · Country Facts. Capital, Population, Government... The most conservative Catholics looked askance at the concordat, which in their eyes promoted an excessively national or Gallican church rather than a truly Roman Catholic Church. They correctly suspected that Napoleon—personally a religious skeptic—would use it as a tool of his own ambitions.

  4. Hace 5 días · France - Kings, Revolution, Napoleon: Charlemagne, Louis XIV, the House of Bourbon, and other major rulers and dynasties of France.

  5. Hace 4 días · The Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815) were a series of conflicts fought between the First French Empire under Napoleon Bonaparte (1804–1815) and a fluctuating array of European coalitions.

  6. Hace 2 días · Bonaparte's French forces left Egypt on 5 February and, seven days after leaving Cairo, Bonaparte too arrived at Arish and bombarded one of the castle towers. The garrison surrendered two days later and some of the garrison joined the French army.

  7. › noticias › historiaHistoria en EL PAÍS

    Hace 3 días · Antigua capital de 10 dinastías o reinos, en esta metrópoli envuelta en paisajes de acuarela viven hoy 9,5 millones de habitantes.