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  1. Hace 1 día · An easy-to-use DAS 28 calculator for tracking Rheumatoid Arthritis disease activity, with printable mannequin for patient records.

  2. Hace 1 día · The DAS provides a score between 0 and 10, a larger number indicating more active disease. When using the score to assess response to treatment, a DAS-28 reduction by 0.6 represents a moderate improvement, while a reduction more than 1.2 represents a major improvement. Score interpretation. <2.6 suggests disease remission.

  3. Hace 2 días · DAS28: Disease Activity Score of 28 joints (DAS28) is widely used as an indicator of RA disease activity and response to treatment. Joints included are ( bilaterally ): proximal interphalangeal joints (10 joints), metacarpophalangeal joints (10), wrists (2), elbows (2), shoulders (2) and knees (2).

  4. Hace 2 días · This speaks to our need to assess our patients using either a DAS-28 scoring system or one of the simpler systems that are being introduced, such as the Simple Disease Activity Index (SDAI) or Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) and there was a new disease measure introduced at this meeting called the Easy Rheumatoid Arthritis ...

  5. Hace 1 día · A társadalombiztosítási ellátások részletes szabályait a társadalombiztosítás ellátásaira jogosultakról, valamint ezen ellátások fedezetéről szóló 2019. évi CXXII. törvény tartalmazza. A jogszabály rendelkezései szerint a társadalombiztosítási ellátások két nagy csoportra oszthatóak.

  6. 15.05.2024 CĂMINUL PENTRU PERSOANE VÂRSTNICE cu sediul în Târgu Mureş, str. Evreilor Martiri, nr. 29-31 judeţul Mureş, organizează concurs pentru ocuparea unor posturi contractuale vacante. 15 mai 2024. 10.05.2024 ANUNȚ CONCURS PENTRU OCUPAREA UNUI POST VACANT DE ÎNGRIJITOR PERSOANĂ VÂRSTNICĂ. 10 mai 2024. ANUNȚ/ INVITAȚIE DE ...

  7. Hace 3 días · Das Amt für Brandschutz, Rettungsdienst und Katastrophenschutz und der Stadtfeuerwehrverband als Veranstalter freuen sich auf das 28. Zeltlager der Erfurter Jugendfeuerwehr vom 7. bis 9. Juni 2024. Im Zuge dessen findet auch der Stadtjugendfeuerwehraussch.

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