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  1. Hace 21 horas · These questions included the purpose of religion in society, where philosophers including John Locke (1632–1704) and François-Marie Arouet Voltaire (1694–1778) theorized new spiritual modes to examine human existence.Many religious painters of the 18th century studied at the French Academy of Painting and Sculpture established in Paris in 1648 under royal sponsorship that dictated taste ...

  2. Hace 3 días · In 1766, Voltaire tried unsuccessfully to have the judgment reversed in the case of the French nobleman François-Jean de la Barre who was tortured, beheaded, and his body burned for alleged vandalism of a crucifix.

  3. Hace 5 días · Voltaire, Denis Diderot, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau dominated the 18th century, especially with their philosophical writings, though they made major contributions to all genres, and Voltaire’s novel Candide (1759) is notable for its literary quality and distillation of Enlightenment ideals.

  4. Hace 1 día · Voltaire defended some level of separation but ultimately subordinated the Church to the needs of the State while Denis Diderot, for instance, was a partisan of a strict separation of Church and State, saying "the distance between the throne and the altar can never be too great". Jefferson and the Bill of Rights

  5. Hace 1 día · With his biting wit, Voltaire exposed abuses of power and defended the principle of freedom of speech. Denis Diderot edited a 28-volume Encyclopedia. This work included articles on human knowledge, explaining new ideas on topics such as government, philosophy, and religion.

  6. Hace 4 días · When I think of the turmoil of recent human history and the beauty it inspired (and I mean the term inspired literally, i.e. breathing life back back into something); when I think of the Enlightenment, for example, and of Rousseau’s On the Origins of Inequality or Voltaire’s Candide or Denis Diderot, who helped invent the Encyclopedia, for The Muse’s-Sake, all of whom risked their lives ...

  7. Hace 1 día · The French philosopher Denis Diderot was visiting Russia on Catherine the Great's invitation. However, the Empress was alarmed that the philosopher's arguments for atheism were influencing members of her court, and so Euler was asked to confront the Frenchman.