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  1. Hace 4 días · Eduardo VIII y Wallis Simpson en una imagen de archivo de 1949. Gtres En vida cumplió su promesa y jamás reveló ninguno de los secretos de los que tenía constancia o exponer situaciones privadas .

  2. Hace 5 días · En lugar de renunciar a su amor por su pareja, Eduardo VIII tomaría la decisión más drástica posible: abdicar. Así acabaría un reinado de apenas 325 días y comenzaría una vida en el exilio.

  3. Hace 6 días · During the discussion, which mostly consisted of Hitler monologing to Bose, Hitler expressed his skepticism for India's readiness for a rebellion against the Raj, and his fears of a Soviet takeover of India.

  4. Hace 5 días · Third Reich, official Nazi designation for the regime in Germany from January 1933 to May 1945, as the presumed successor of the medieval and early modern Holy Roman Empire of 800 to 1806 (the First Reich) and the German Empire of 1871 to 1918 (the Second Reich).

  5. Hace 1 día · Hitler, who had made his headquarters since the summer of 1941 in a remote part of East Prussia, was now completely cut off from the life of the nation he led. He refused to visit the bombed towns, was scarcely ever seen in public, and spoke or broadcast only on rare occasions. The plot against Hitler

  6. Hace 2 días · In his speeches and writings, Hitler referred to the supposed existence of an "Aryan race", a race that he believed founded a superior type of humanity. According to Nazi ideology, the purest stock of Aryans were the Nordic people of Germany, England, the Netherlands, and Scandinavia.