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  1. Hace 4 días · Un monorepo, como su nombre indica, es un repositorio único que contiene múltiples paquetes o partes de un sistema. Pensemos, por ejemplo, en una arquitectura básica de un proyecto web. Podríamos tener, por un lado, un proyecto de frontend y, por otro, un proyecto de backend.

  2. Hace 4 días · People with slow internet frequently reported git clone taking more than 40 minutes.. Although techniques like LFS did speed things up, those gains quickly regressed with the addition of new projects every day.

  3. Hace 3 días · I'm new to monorepos and any guidance or resources that could help me understand how to structure and manage my project without duplicating too much or creating conflicts between packages would be very helpful. Any tips regarding the setup and architecture of this project would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.

  4. Hace 1 día · Note that monorepos aren't created very often; in fact the whole point is to avoid a commonly used "new project" scaffold. However even if you don't need to make your own repo, this is useful to create a minimal repro of some Bazel issue, it's great for developers who are just getting started with Bazel, and it also serves as a "kitchen sink" example of a working Bazel setup.

  5. Hace 1 día · 10. Postado agora mesmo. Em poucas palavras, um monorepositório, ou monorepo, é um repositório único que contém múltiplos projetos, com relacionamentos bem definidos. Um monorepo não é somente ter vários projetos no mesmo repositório; é necessário que haja relações bem definidas entre eles.

  6. Introducing kitbag/router 😻 type safety everywhere 😻 amazing params 😻 support for params in query 😻 built in rejection handling Example of type…

  7. Hace 2 días · One of the features that Gradle has been offering for years is build caching, which we, as Maven users, were envious of until Maven released the maven cache build extension in version 3.9.0 as of June 2023. The Maven Build Cache Extension is a tool that helps to improve build efficiency by reusing outputs that were generated in previous builds.