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  1. Jody Spencer – Quantum Health Coaching. I help you Restore and Optimise your Health. Sharing how to live in Sync with Natures Laws and create environments that work in harmony with your biology to achieve optimal wellness and longevity.

  2. Hi, I’m Jody Spencer, Health Coach, Researcher and Nature Advocate. For decades the wellness of our communities has been declining even though funding (government and private) for research, technology and treatment continues to increase. Cancer, suicide, mental health, auto immune conditions and others rise year on year.

  3. In 2016 as gradated as an Institute of Integrated Nutrition Certified Health Coach. That year I was also introduced to the profound work and teachings of Neurosurgeon Jack Kruse who I now consider as my greatest mentor.

  4. 15 de jun. de 2021 · It's proven scientifically - I love reading what doctor Jody Spencer (a certified health coach at Quantum Health coaching) and Gregg Braden (American New Age author)? It's the truth. It...

  5. 31 de may. de 2023 · ¿Qué es el coaching en salud?, me preguntan a menudo. Para explicarlo en pocas palabras, diría que es un método para mejorar la salud y lograr el bienestar físico. Se basa en intervenciones clínicas, técnicas de conversaciones y estrategias que involucran de manera activa y segura a los clientes en

  6. Personal Transformation: Give Yourself What You Wish To Receive. This track helps you achieve great fulfillment in life. Based on the teachings of Dr. Jody Spencer, begin by finding a comfortable position and just relax.

  7. 15 de ene. de 2020 · El health coaching es una nueva técnica que mejorará tu vida si te comprometes a superar el proceso y lo haces con buena actitud.