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  1. Hace 2 días · Completan las primeras veinte Casi famosos, de Cameron Crowe; El ocaso de una vida, de Billy Wilder; El informante, de Michael Mann; Z, de Costa-Gavras; Blow-Up, de Michelangelo Antonioni ...

  2. Hace 4 días · Antonioni, il maestro del cinema italiano: la vita, l’amore e la passione per l’arte raccontati dalla moglie Enrica Fico. La città di Ferrara rende omaggio a Michelangelo Antonioni, uno dei più grandi registi italiani, con l’inaugurazione di uno spazio espositivo dedicato alla sua vita e alle sue opere. Lo Spazio Antonioni ...

  3. Hace 4 días · La Notte is an acclaimed Italian film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni. Released in 1961, it is part of Antonioni’s informal trilogy that also includes L’Avventura and L’Eclisse. The movie stars acclaimed actors Marcello Mastroianni and Jeanne Moreau in the lead roles.

  4. Hace 4 días · There are four major film works that Pink Floyd are linked to from this era: Barbet Schroeder’s More and La Vallée (Obscured By Clouds); Michelangelo Antonionis Zabriskie Point; and Adrian Maben’s not-actually-live-in-concert Pink Floyd: Live At Pompeii.

  5. Hace 2 días · Le Désert rouge est un léger tournant dans la carrière brillante du cinéaste Michelangelo Antonioni. Si cette petite révolution s'effectue par l'apparition d'une nouveauté tout de même notable : la...

  6. Hace 3 días · Après "L'Avventura" et "La Nuit", Antonioni continue de révolutionner le cinéma en imposant une nouvelle temporalité cinématographique, à la fois sensuelle et abstraite. Un chef-d'oeuvre où Delon et Monica Vitti, astres resplendissants, incarnent toutes les éclipses et éblouissements. VOSTFR. SD.

  7. Hace 4 días · Reviews were decent at the time of release, but in recent years “Blow Out” — about a horror movie soundman who captures audio of a political assassination via a sniper shooting out a politician’s tire — has come to be regarded as perhaps De Palma’s masterpiece.