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  1. 4 de jun. de 2008 · Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus : Harvey, William, 1578-1657 : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.

  2. Exercitatio Anatomica De Motus Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus surgical revolution. J Invest Surg. 2008 Nov-Dec;21 (6):302-10. doi: 10.1080/08941930802511603. Author. Luis H Toledo-Pereyra 1. Affiliation. 1 Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. PMID: 19160139.

    • Luis H. Toledo-Pereyra
    • 2008
  3. Ficha de Exercitatio anatomica de motu cordis et sanguinis in animalibus. Reproducción digital del original conservado en la Biblioteca Histórica de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

  4. Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (Latin, 'An Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Living Beings'), commonly called De Motu Cordis, is the best-known work of the physician William Harvey, which was first published in 1628 and established the circulation of blood throughout the body.

    • Chauncey D. Leake
    • Charles I
    • . . Facing page ijg
    • Microcofmi Sol , a quo omnis
    • 4 DEDICATIO.
    • S, R D.
    • I>El>ICAriO.
    • Io(o hati non minus cfTc ipcrandum. Philofo-phienim veri,quiamore veritatis & (apicntir fla-
    • a quocunque & quandocunque vcncrit, locum
    • DEDICAT 10.
    • Tene o?nms hue vfque AnatomchMediciyO' Philofiphifip'
    • JimiUter Arterhrum^ulfus^ dr 'vfm-^ apectoris drpulmmum. Si
    • P R O OE M I V M. ,,
    • • acordeconfltixcrat^prtmt&finticumhimpateat rm^
    • Uc€t: Steundemfartgumemi qui ventsfiwiliterligatts, drrefciffls
    • a corde manare3C^quodarteri£ dam diflendantur^ ah illafacultx-
    • I. Cur quAfo ) cum eadem pene
    • Ct4in d'lcuntfimfirtim ventriculum epulmombtcSidf dextro
    • JtAque ex huy^huiufmodiphrimupAtehcum ta quA diiU ante^
    • Caput Primum,
    • Illodfotran in cordis mocueueniacnunc, auralii bincfattetn ,hae
    • Hsc manifediora in cordibus frigidotumanimolium» vtbufone,
    • III. Comprchcnfummanucorcoquomouctar tempore , dmi-
    • Ex qujbus obf^cuatis rationi confcntancom cft,Coreo quoraoae-
    • 2)r M07V CORDIS, &c.
    • Simulitaquehacc>&eodcm tempore contingunt, tenfio cordis,
    • Ammrum mom qualisex vimrumdiJfeBUm^
    • Ex his vidctut manifeftu'm comracommuniadogmata» qaodirte*
    • D£ C^OTV CORDISy i'e*
    • DE kMOTV cord 1 Si &c, 2/
    • In pifcibus,&: ranis,& fimilibwCvnum vcntriculum habenc cordis
    • Talequiddameuidentinime in prima animalis generatione intra
    • T)E CHOtV CORDIS, i'C^ ip
    • Sed (imouopuili confotmationcm aduertas; Primum incH vtdixi»
    • EGovcroexhii tandem, &:huiu/modi ob/eruationibus repertum
    • Motns itaq^ cordis omnino ad hunc fc haber modum , & vca a^'o
    • DB MOrr CORDIS, &c.
    • Sedl &hoc omncs aliquo modo conccdunty& ex cordis fabrtca, &
    • Eradftracum de venarum originc&vdj, & Sanguinis co6bione,inue-
    • K^NArOMICA
    • xi cordis cum pulmone,non viaeat vias, per quas fanguis c venijin at-
    • C A P V T Y I.
    • In his cnim perindc fe res habct aique in homincfi fcpturo cordis per-
    • Com vero maior numorus animaiium non habentiam polmones
    • Confidcraui aticcra mecum.quod eciam in cmbryonumeorum qu^
    • DE tMOrV CORDIS* &<.
    • Doimpedire.
    • CAPVT vrr.
    • DJE iMOrr CORDIS, &e^
    • Xuod argumcntum Galenus pro tt&n(ka (kngmnis per dexmim
    • C A P V T Via
    • Coepi egomet mecam cogirarc, an motionem quandam qua/I in
    • Vcrum enimuero cura per pulmoncs & cor,vel minimacopia ttaii
    • 40 XXlltCJ7AriO ANATOMICA
    • Kincetiam eft,quod corporemottao>poflquam cor ceHauit pnl&«
    • LJA^bcnuspriraumfuppofitura confirmatum eft, fiue res adcaica*
    • T>E tMOry CORDTSs &C. 47
    • Scdin(erpetibas&pi^ibusquiburdam,rigandovcnaspeiraKqucKl
    • Hasc omnia vno exempio confitmanres, condudamuF, quo fidem
    • SEcandtsm confirmandum ^ nobis, quo clarius intuemibus appa-
    • Stridiam iigaturam dico , cum ica ardle yodique condri&am mem-
    • Si quis diligencerin ipfo illius rolucionis momctitoprope ligaturam
    • V£ iMorr CORDIS» t^^c, st
    • Hincveroapparet , qua de caufain j5hlebotomis» qusndo longtus
    • DB MOTr CORDIS, &c.
    • C A P V T xir.
    • DcindcacordeprouenirehuncSuxum, &percortranficufa<^o c
    • TtYtiumfup^optum confirmitur^ &ejfefanguink circuitum
    • Sed ne hocexperimento naturaj vim afferre dicas,in longe diftanti-
    • Conclufto demonftrmonU defanguinis circuitu^
    • Inibus propo nerc liceat.
    • ^O EXES^CItAtIO K^N4rOMlCA
    • Sattgainu circuiiut exconfequtntihatfrohatur^
    • Cur ctiam cxcerius applicata medicamenta vires intio exercent
    • 64 EXERClTAtlO i^NAtOMICA
    • C A P V T XVIT.
    • Quac Veritas deraoru locali, & quod immcdiatum organnm motf-
    • Quininftirutumprofequemes,
    • DB MOry CORDIS, &c.
    • 70 ExnRCTTATJO t^NAtOMrCA
    • Atamplins circa arterias plurima fimilirer veriratem banc illoftratt
    • DE ClfOTF CORDIS, ^e. ^r
    • Trince CHARLES, KING o/ GRE.fT BRIT-
    • COLLEGE of PHYSICIANS, and to other learned
    • DISCUSSING the movements and functions
    • Then by anatomical study, repeated experiment,
    • Since the movements and structure of the heart
    • hour's time.

    Professor of Vhaunacology, University of California

    . Facing page I of the English translation Experiments on a Bandaged Arm . . Facing page loi of the English translatioit "The Most Pleasing Picture

    Courtesy Oxford University Press The Body of William PIarvey "Lapt in

    Ereniffime Rex, Cor animalium^ftindamen- turn eft vita^, princcps omnium,

    vec:^etado dependet, vigor omnis &:robur emaiiat. Rex pariter regnorum fuorum fandamentum^ScMicrocofmifuiSoljRei- publicx Coreft, a quo omnis emanat po- teftas, omnis gratia provenit. Qu^ de mo- tu cordis hie fcripta funt,Majeftad tu? (vti huiusfeculi mos eft; ojfFerre eo magis au- las fum, quodad hominis exemplum hu- A 2 mana

    matiapcne omnia > & adcordis^RegispIu. rima, Regi itaque non inutilis cordis fui notitia , tanquam adionum diuinum E- xemplarium : (iicparuis componere ma- gnafolebant.) Poteris faltem Regum opti- me, in faftigio rerum humanarum pofitus, vnaopcra & humani corporis principiuiii & Regi^ fimul po teftatisTu^ effigiem con- templari^Sufcipeitaqj^humilim...

    (ingulari c^terifq-, Doftiff. Mcdicis Coliegis fuis amantifi.

    )(;!ljEam dc motu & vfu cordis, & circui- tii fanguinis fentcnciam E. D. D. an-teafxpiusinprde(5lionibus mcisA-, naromicis apcrui novam: {ed iam per ncMiem &: amplius annosniulds o- cularibus cfemonftrationibusin confpedu vcftro confirmatam> racionibus & argumentis illuftra- tam,& ab obiedlioni bus dodciffimorum & peridf-. fimorum Anatomicorum libe...

    ^ duximus. QuemnifivobistranfmiflumE.D.D. minus rperarem prodirepofle integrum &tuturn, cum pene omnium illarum obferuationum, cr quibus aut vedtatem colligo , aut crrores redar-gue, evobisplurimos&fidedignos appcHarepof- fum teftes, qui diflcdiones meas vidiftis,& ocula- ribus demonftrationibus eorura, qu^hicadfcn- lumpalamaflcuero, afliftere cand...

    grant, nunquamfetam<, (apientia plenos re- periunt, aut fiio fen(u abundant, cjuin veritati

    dent. Nee tarn angufti animi vt credanc quamuis artem aut {cientiam adeo omnibus nu- merisabfolutam&perfedlam a veteribus tradita, vtalioru induftri^^&diligenti^ nihil fit rcliquum cum profitcantur plurimi , maximam partem co- rum quas fcimus , eorum qua: ignoramus mini mam efle, ncc ita traditionibus & prxce- ptis quorumcunque addidli, infervirc f...

    g aocent.Omnesicem ftudiofi , boni , ho« decliniarc ncfl;ique,nunquamicapafiionibusindignationis, inuidi^>obrui mentem nnunt, quo minus audianc ssauo animo qu^ pro vericatc proferantur aut ^ rem verc deiTionftracam inteiligant.necturpepu- cane mutarc fcnccndam fi vericas fuadec &aperta dcmonftratio : iicc errores , licet antiquiffimos de« fersre ar...

    piam vcritatis ftudiofiim mcafoontcinurcrc vcUc nccqucnquamcrrorislabcinhmulare. Sed folam verifatem fe<5lor,&oranem tumopcmm,tum oleu cocontuli, vtaliquid bonis gratum, dodis com- modum , & rei littcraria; vdlc in medium proferrc poflim, Valcte Domini D. ExcclIentiC & Anaco- mico vcftro faucte CFILIBLMO HARrBO. B PRO. •

    fonunt cum C&leno-yeundem vfum effdpulfm quern refpirafiontSy , df i>^^ re tuntum drfferre , quodille abanmdli hxc k vitAii facuL tate manei : reiiquls , velqnodadvtilitatcm , 'vcl qtiod admotui Tfiodum(feBalfim'ilitcrfe habemihu^) -vndc affirmAnt{yt Hiero- Tijmm Pahr, ab aq, p. librofuo dc icfpirarione nuperrimee- duo) quodqiionixm nonfufficit pul...

    ' enim ijfdem 'vfihta infiruiantpuljkiy acrefj/iratio , df in DiaftoU mtrofumant aerem in camtatesfuasarferU ( v/i vulgedicu/it)(^ in SyJIole per cofdemporosearnIs, df cutisfuUgines emitttmt , nee non medio tempore inter Sjjiolem , dr Diaftolem a'erent eonttneant ; ^T ^uouis tempore aut aerem , aut jpiri^ tiio^atitfutigims. . ^hnd itaquerejfondeant...

    drtcmtomhm vuhcre ife^me irach&A per vulnus, aercm m- ^cdiyremdiduobm €onirarm7notibu^-,p/tlameH: Se^la veroar^ tenaftatim vno continm moiufangmnem vi \yrotrud'h(^nQyi&e rem/velirj^teir^'uelregredi manifejlumelL Stfulfusarteriarum partescorpcriirefrigerant &euenta.nt vtipulmones ipfumcor% quomodo diamt *uul

    gis arteriascabrernpanibus dcferre, quamrefrigerium , ^ eum-tatiomm. FrAterea quomodo 'DtafioUftmulfpirUusacordeattrS" hat, adiakfaciendaspartes ^fimul^abtxtermrefrtgerittm ? An%' flimtametf iffdem vfibmpulmonei', amrias^^ cor infermrealh- ^uiaffirmentytamen corfptritmm offi(intinieffe-,&arteritisfpirU tm continereitranfmttereetsamdicunti Pulmonesa...

    incfh'nueneris inartentsCjcfuem in mortuis^O'^H^animdthmf&- pifff e<^ocxpertu irtluofufn,driirteriofume(fefangutKemaffirmantes,taciteconce' duntyarteriArummttnuseffefunguinem kco...

    ,^ d'tjienduntur vtfclUs,fAcile,&Afertedemon - atn. nor) rcpUriyqnU flme mepojfcj&pAlam ante hxcdemonftralfe exiftimo : Attameit lihr. quod fang. cone, in artcr. Galeni experimentnm in con- trartumftcfc hahet. Arteriam nudatamfecundiim longuudinem tnciditi cikmumque , vdconcauam , per vtAmfiJitdamimmtttity aiio (^fmguisextlire nonpoffitj^ vulmis Qb...

    tipulfifiOL repleantur quin difltiidtintur "Jtfolics , , non dijlendan- turyqutareplenturynjt vtres. Scddr i»arteriotomta , & vtdneri- buiccHtrariummanifeflumciv : pLngu'tsenimfaliendoAbarterik vrofunditur cumimpetu,modo longius.modopropius vicijjtmpro- filiendo ,df fdtusfemper eH in arteridi Diajlole crnonin Syftole. G^uQ cUreapparetyimpidfuptngii...

    ( confiitutiofit vtriufy^ *ven* tTiculi,eademfabricafbrdrum , Ucertuloium-, •valaularumt vafi- rnmyauricuiarum, dreodcmvter^in diJle^ioniba^ referctatur fanguine,Jimiliternigricanteyjtmtlitergyitmefcente: Cur (inqua ) cum eademJit utriufg^, aciio , motu^spulfus^ variis eos vfibusytam differeniihu^^exijltmemvu dejlimtosfniffi: ? SixalunUtricuj^ides ...

    cordisJinumAtcrkm uttrahcreiAdJpirittts condendos \ airsm 1//- delicet c^fAnguiner», cpanteript aortamjpirituofumfanguinem dtfirihuere :&hwcfutigwes , "videlicet retro perarferiam ve^ia* lem remittf in ptUmoncs , illinc (iiriiui tn aortam, ^utdcHquod fepArationemfuctt , e^ quodmodohuc illucjpiritu^fuligifies citrA permijlionemnHt confujionem commem...

    ^j sedm^o.pAerideftrindoATtmA vtnofi mdkdp^ eurem con/ittutioeFivendi Tillulutotmepus ejfet T^tUYA(& cfuidmqmUs BnmhUfunt gnnuUnhus, vtfmftrpAmnt, ^nei^ueconcidAnty&vtommm vAsudfAngtsmptrmaneAntnehumfiyaerktrAn^tum mpediat, vtp 9namf€jium(H,qmndcpulmomspmiuBromhmvelmfAra

    IjAia prisribusdemofu,(i' v/u eordiSiO'arteriArum,aut imonuem" tntiXyAutobfiuvAtAUt impopbiltA diligentiusconfiderAti appATfAnt^ wleprcinde admodumerit^aulopenitiusrem intro/picereyarteriA^ rum,^ccrdis motusnonfolum in hommejed ^ Aliii vniuerfis Ant' mabbuscorhAbeetibus contempUrr. ^ineftAm vimrum dtJfeUiO'- ntfreqtiemip mHlfa^usavtopfAvcritaHmdifs...

    CaHfa,^uihti5Adfc7ihendum Authorpermoitts fticrit, Vm mulcisviuorum di/Ted'onibus ( vti ad ma- num dabanmr ) animum ad obfecuandum ptimu appuli;quo cordis raoru$vfum,5f vnlitates ina- nimalibus per autopfiam , &c noD per iibros alto« rumque fcripta inuenircm ; Rem arduam plane» &difficult£cibus plcnam cotinuo repcts, vt (cam Fracaftorio ) moium cor...

    dacavta. fceliciotibusiretiingeniis ,reire^ius geread£e,& melius in« quireodi occalioncm caplenr.

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

    which blood may forcibly pour, but that nothing like this happens in the intact body, with no out- let made. With the arteries filled, in their natural state, so large an amount cannot pass in so short a time as to make a return necessary. It may be replied that from the computation and reasons already given, the excess contained in the dilated hea...

  5. 9 de jul. de 2009 · Exercitatio Anatomica De Motus Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus Surgical Revolution Luis H. Toledo-Pereyra Michigan State University/Kalamazoo Center for Medical Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

  6. 31 de dic. de 2014 · Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus: Being a Facsimile of the 1628 Francofurti Edition, Together with the Keynes English Translation of 1928 : William Harvey : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive.