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  1. The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra draws on and explains numerous important Mahayana Buddhist concepts including the philosophy of Yogācāra school, the doctrine of emptiness ( śūnyatā ), and the doctrines of buddha-nature ( tathāgatagarbha ), and the luminous mind ( prabhāsvaracitta ).

  2. 8 de ene. de 2024 · The Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra (楞伽经 or 入楞伽经) is an important scripture in Mahayana Buddhism and is held in special esteem by the Chán/Zen tradition. It is one among several sutras that expound upon Tathāgatagarbha or Buddha-nature, the inherent quality of True nature that resides in all sentient beings.

  3. El Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra se basa y explica numerosos conceptos importantes del budismo Mahayana, incluida la filosofía de la escuela Yogācāra, la doctrina de la vacuidad ( śūnyatā) y las doctrinas de buddha- naturaleza ( tathāgatagarbha ), y la mente luminosa ( prabhāsvaracitta ).

  4. Se dice que este sutra le fue transmitido por Bodhidharma a su discípulo principal Hui-k'e conteniendo la enseñanza esencial del Zen/Chan. Desde entonces ha sido estudiado principalmente por filósofos Zen/Chan. Pero estando lleno de términos técnicos difíciles en combinación con un estilo irregular y dificultoso de escritura, el texto no ha sido...

  5. The Lankavatara sutra is one of the most significant and most sophisticated of the surviving scriptures of the Sanskrit Buddhist canon. Its full title is Saddharma-Lankavatara-sutra, meaning scripture on the entry of true teaching into Sri Lanka. Of comparatively late composition, it provides keys to contextualization

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  6. 2 de feb. de 2012 · The Lankavatara Sutra describes the various tiers of consciousness in the individual, culminating in the "storehouse consciousness", which is the base of the individual's deepest awareness and his tie to the cosmic.Translated by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, a Japanese author of books and essays on Buddhism, Zen and Shin that were instrumental in spre...

  7. El Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra ( sánscrito, Discurso del descenso a Laṅka, en tibetano: ལང་ཀར་བཤེགས་པའི་མདོ་, Chinese: 入楞伽經) es un destacado sūtra budista Mahayana.