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  1. The First Middle School of Changsha ( simplified Chinese: 长沙市第一中学; traditional Chinese: 長沙市第一中學), colloquially known as First Middle School of Changsha, is a senior secondary school (7th through 12th grades) located in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. The school has been ranked No. 1 among the high schools in Hunan Province. [citation needed] .

  2. › wiki › ChangshaChangsha - Wikipedia

    Changsha is the capital and the largest city of Hunan Province of China. Changsha is the 17th most populous city in China with a population of over 10 million, and the third-most populous city in Central China, located in the lower reaches of the Xiang River in northeastern Hunan.

  3. Changjun School is recognized as the demonstration high school throughout Hunan province. Its history can be traced back to 1904, when Changjun was named “Changsha Prefectural School”, the only high school created by the magistrate of the Changsha Prefecture at that time.

  4. Changya Middle School was a private school first set up in 1999, sharing the campus with Yali, specially for the students who haven't reach the standards of Yali's enrollment but are willing to pay a small fortune.

  5. The First Middle School of Changsha (simplified Chinese: 长沙市第一中学;traditional Chinese: 長沙市第一中學), colloquially known as First Middle School of Changsha, is a senior secondary school (7th through 12th grades) located in Changsha, Hunan Province, China.

  6. 长沙市一中岳麓中学是由百年名校长沙市一中与岳麓区政府为促进义务教育的均衡化发展、扩大优质教育资源的辐射引领作用而精心打造的一所全新品牌中学,是一所高起点、高水准的现代教育全日制公办初级中学。 学校占地60亩,总规划48个班。 中文名. 长沙市一中岳麓中学. 外文名. The First middle School of Changsha Yuelu. 简 称. 一中岳麓. 创办时间. 2015年9月. 办学性质. 公办 初级中学. 校 训. 公、勇、勤、朴. 地 址. 岳麓区映日路与麓枫路交汇处西北. 知名校友. 一中校友: 毛泽东 、 朱镕基 、 廖山涛 、 陈述彭 等. 所属地区. 湖南省 长沙市 岳麓区. 现任校长. 姜尚. 目录. 1 序言. 2 学校情况. 3 教育师资.

  7. 长沙市一中开福中学原名长沙市七中是一所全日制完全中学学校建校于1916年创校近百年来始终秉持为国育才的历史使命培养了大批社会中坚和国家栋梁如中科院院士邓起东著名核物理学家邬恩九中共中央宣传部原副部长周扬国务院原副秘书长全国人大法工委主任李适时湖南省纪委书记孙载夫著名作家韩少功张扬等。 近年来,学校办学成绩在长沙市同类学校名列前茅,2014年一、二本升学率为全市第二,中考优秀率全区第一。 地理位置. 播报. 编辑. 学校地处长沙市开福区德雅路,毗邻烈士公园、国防科大、湖南省社科院,交通便利,闹中取静。 学校占地近5万平方米,规划占地面积近8万平方米。 办学理念. 播报.