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  1. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (also: Viktorin of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Kunstadt and Poděbrady; Czech: Viktorín z Poděbrad, or Viktorín Boček z Kunštátu a Poděbrad; German: Viktorin von Podiebrad; 1403 – 1 January 1427 in Pardubice) was a Bohemian-Moravian nobleman and a member of the ...

  2. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (también: Viktorin of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Poděbrady, Victor Boček of Kunstadt and Poděbrady; checo: Viktorín z Poděbrad, o Viktorín Boček z Kunštátu a Poděbrad; alemán: Viktorin von Podiebrad; 1403 - 1 de enero Pardubice) fue un noble bohemio-moravo y miembro de la Casa de Poděbrady.

  3. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady was a Bohemian-Moravian nobleman and a member of the House of Poděbrady.

  4. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady (1403–1427), was a supporter of the Hussites and the father of: George of Poděbrady was King of Bohemia. He increased his property with the Lordship of Glatz , which he raised to a county in 1459, as well as the Silesian Duchy of Münsterberg .

  5. George of Kunštát and Poděbrady (23 April 1420 – 22 March 1471), also known as Poděbrad or Podiebrad (Czech: Jiří z Poděbrad; German: Georg von Podiebrad), was the sixteenth King of Bohemia, who ruled in 1458–1471. He was a leader of the Hussites, but moderate and tolerant toward the Catholic faith.

  6. Victor of Kunštát and Poděbrady In Biographical Summaries of Notable People Save this record and choose the information you want to add to your family tree

  7. Señor de Kunštát y de Poděbrady, Jorge fue el primer soberano europeo en rechazar el catolicismo, abrazando una fe reformada, la de Jan Hus en su versión moderada; la utraquista. Es recordado también por ser el primero en postular la creación de una Europa Unida. [1]