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  1. "Öküz" Mehmed Pasha ("Mehmed Pasha the Ox"; died 23 December 1619), also known as Kara Mehmed Pasha ("the Black") or "Kul Kıran" Mehmed Pasha ("the Slavebreaker"), was an Ottoman statesman, administrator and military figure of the early 17th century who held the office of Grand Vizier twice, the first time from 17 October 1614 to ...

  2. Kara Mehmed Pasha (died March or April 1722) was an Ottoman statesman who served as the Ottoman governor of various provinces ( eyalets) and sub-provinces ( sanjaks ). [1] [2] He was also a vizier.

  3. The 1683 Battle of Vienna. Photo Credit: With Vienna and the Turkish camp in the background, the relief army descends from the heights to come to grips with the besiegers. The outcome was long in doubt. Islam at Vienna’s Gates. Relief came out of the woods and down from the heights at the 1683 Battle of Vienna. This article appears in: October 2002

  4. Después de derrotar a la caballería polaca, Kara Mehmed Pasha reibió 8000 jinetes de élite comandados por Kara Mustafa Pasha. Las tropas de Emérico Thököly esperaban órdenes de ataque en las afueras de Párkány. El 9 de octubre de 1683, el Ejército Imperial formó en tres líneas de batalla.

  5. Tras la histórica conquista de Constantinopla, una de las primeras acciones de Mehmed fue la ejecución de Çandarlı Kara Halil Pasha, la que se especula puede haber sido por una supuesta conspiración del visir con los bizantinos o como una forma del sultán de reforzar su dominio. 4 Esta primera ejecución de un gran visir se convertiría en un su...

  6. Kara Mahmud Pasha (Turkish: Kara Mahmut Paşa, Albanian: Mahmut Pashë Bushati, fl. 1749–22 September 1796) was a hereditary Ottoman Albanian governor (mutasarrıf) of the Pashalik of Scutari and de jure ruler of Albania.

  7. Ambassador Kara Mehmed Pasha had created a new source of Ottoman diplomatic history, namely the embassy reports “sefâretnâme”. Kara Mehmed Pasha wrote the oldest known –in classical meaning- sefâretnâme. I endeavoured to explain the cause and effect of the embassy journey to Vienna.