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  1. En las últimas dos décadas, la historiografía ha iniciado la recuperación del contenido del diario español de Elizabeth Holland, producto de las dos estancias que la inglesa realizó −junto a su marido, lord Holland− en la España de noviembre de 1802 a noviembre de 1804 y de octubre de 1808 a julio de 18091.

    • Antonio Juan Calvo Maturana
    • 2020
  2. Emily Dickinson’s friendship with Elizabeth Holland came at a turning point in the poet’s life. The two met in Amherst in 1853 through Mrs. Holland’s husband, Josiah Holland, an editor at the Springfield Republican : “Dr Holland and his wife, spent last Friday with us—came unexpectedly—we had a charming time, and have promised to ...

  3. Dr. Holland specializes in comprehensive psychological assessments for children, adolescents, and young adults (ages 4-24), including assessing for learning disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia), ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

  4. Lady Holland hizo un retrato de España y los españoles que— a nuestro parecer— ha sido infravalorado, y cuyo interés radica en su carácter de portavoz de la heterogénea oposición a Godoy y sus regios protectores. Palabras clave: Elisabeth Holland, Holland House, Corte española, Facciones políticas, 1803.

  5. Elizabeth Holland is a writer of romance novels. She enjoys the escapism of picking up a book and losing herself in a new world. Elizabeth is a keen advocate for mental health and often speaks out about her own struggles.

  6. Elizabeth Holland (died 1547/8), commonly known as Bess Holland, was an English courtier. She was the mistress of Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk and maid-of-honour to his niece, Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII of England.

  7. Elisabeth Holland is an American climate scientist who focuses on how the carbon and nitrogen cycles interact with earth systems. She has become a key player in the international climate debate. She is currently a professor of climate change at the University of the South Pacific.