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  1. The Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma (Hungarian: Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnázium és Kollégium) is an independent Roman Catholic boarding school for boys, one of the most distinguished secondary schools in Hungary, led by and situated next to the thousand-year-old Pannonhalma Benedictine Archabbey above Pannonhalma, Győr-Moson ...

  2. Supported by the worldwide net of Benedictine schools, Pannonhalma gives language courses and practice opportunities in many languages, among others Latin, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and English. The Benedictine School of Pannonhalma is located in the north-western part of Hungary.

  3. Az egyik legsikeresebb tanévet zárják a matekosok a Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnáziumban. Az OKTV-n, a Zrínyi Ilona- és az Arany Dániel-versenyeken is jó eredményeket értek el diákjaink. Rendre bejutottak a döntőbe, ami ezeken a megmérettetéseken igazán nagy szó.

    • Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma1
    • Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma2
    • Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma3
    • Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma4
    • Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma5
  4. The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey or Territorial Abbey of Saint Martin on Mount Pannonhalma (lat. Archiabbatia or Abbatia Territorialis Sancti Martini in Monte Pannoniae) is a medieval building in Pannonhalma and is one of the oldest historical monuments in Hungary.

  5. El Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma (en húngaro: Pannonhalmi Bencés Gimnázium és Kollégium) es un internado católico romano independiente para niños, una de las escuelas secundarias más distinguidas de Hungría, dirigido por y situado junto al milenario Archabbey benedictina de Pannonhalma sobre Pannonhalma, condado de Győr-Moson ...

  6. Dr. Zoltán Szemrédi and Gabriella Szemrédi founded the non-profit foundation for the students of Pannonhalma in Hungary to assist with the schooling expenses of talented students from less fortunate families.

  7. Benedictine High School of Pannonhalma, Hungary - Facebook