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  1. Anne Shirley (17 de abril de 1918 – 4 de julio de 1993) fue una actriz cinematográfica estadounidense . Biografía. Su verdadero nombre era arona franquez, y nació en la ciudad de Nueva York.

    The Hidden Woman
    como Dawn O'Day
    como Dawn O'Day
    The Rustle of Silk
    como Dawn O'Day
    The Spanish Dancer (La bailarina ...
    Don Balthazar Carlos
    como Dawn O'Day
    • Overview
    • Biography
    • Physical appearance
    • Personality
    • Relationships
    • Etymology
    • Behind the scenes
    • Appearances

    "Well now, I'd rather have you than a dozen boys, Anne. Just mind you that—rather than a dozen boys."

    —Matthew Cuthbert to Anne after she won the Avery scholarship at Queen's Academy

    Anne Blythe (née Shirley) was the orphan taken in by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, the daughter of Walter and Bertha Shirley, a bosom friend of Diana Barry, a friend and eventually the wife of Gilbert Blythe, and the mother of Joyce, Jem, Walter, Nan, Di, Shirley, and Rilla Blythe.

    Anne was adopted by Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert at Green Gables. At first, they thought that they were getting a boy, but Anne's endless chatter and her gorgeous charm won them over. Anne flourished and matured there, but after a tragedy at Green Gables, Anne was faced with a choice: stay with Marilla or go to Redmond. She decided to stay and became the Avonlea teacher. She was teacher for two years before she went to Redmond College and earned a B.A., rooming with her friends Philippa Blake, Stella Maynard, and Priscilla Grant, and Stella's Aunt Jamesina in a charming little house known as Patty's Place. During her engagement to Gilbert, she moved to Windy Poplars (Willows in the British and Australian version), rooming with Rebecca Dew and two widows, Aunt Kate and Aunt Chatty, spending a very happy three years. When she married Gilbert, they moved to the House of Dreams in Four Winds, where she befriended Captain Jim, Miss Cornelia, and Leslie Moore, a young woman trapped in an unhappy relationship with an abusive husband. Anne helped Leslie find true love, such as she had experienced with Gilbert in her House of Dreams. After the birth of Jem, Anne and Gilbert moved to Ingleside, an old house in Glen St. Mary, where they expanded their family and lived for many years in happiness and prosperity.

    Early life

    "The east room was the one you were born in. I remember your ma saying she loved to see the sunrise; and I mind hearing that you was born just as the sun was rising and its light on your face was the first thing your ma saw." —An old woman commenting on Anne's birth Anne was born on March 5, 1865, in the east room of The Yellow House, Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia, as the only child of Walter and Bertha Shirley. They were school teachers who died of scarlet fever three months after her birth. Anne was taken in by Mrs. Thomas, a woman who had helped with the housework at the Yellow House. She lived with the Thomases until, when she was nine years old, Mr. Thomas was hit by a train and killed. She then lived with the Hammond family, who had eight children, including three sets of twins, where she was practically a free servant until the age of eleven. When Mr. Hammond died, she was sent to an orphanage until the Cuthberts had requested a boy to be sent to them. A fateful mistake occurred, and Anne was sent instead.

    Arrival at Green Gables

    Anne was eleven years old when she was adopted (not as a daughter) and allowed to stay with Marilla and Matthew.

    School years

    Gilbert: "Carrots! Carrots!" Anne: "[turns around, picks up her slate and breaks it over Gilbert's head] "You mean, hateful boy! How dare you!" ―Gilbert and Anne's spat in the Avonlea school Anne went to the Avonlea school with her best friend Diana. The first three weeks went fine, but trouble started when Gilbert Blythe arrived from visiting cousins in New Brunswick. The first day that he was back, he teased Anne about her hair and quickly learned the hard way that no one did that. After Gilbert called her 'Carrots,' Anne slammed her slate onto his head, breaking the slate in the process. For this, Mr. Phillips, the teacher, punished her by making Anne stand in front of the blackboard upon which he had written that she needed to learn how to control her temper. To make things even worse, Anne's name was spelled as 'Ann'. With that, the biggest rivalry in the history of the Avonlea school started. Gilbert tried to apologize to Anne, but she refused to listen. The next day, after being forced to sit with Gilbert as a punishment, Anne took her books home with plans never to attend school again. After a bit of persuasion from Mrs. Lynde, Marilla allowed her to stay at home as long as she still did her schoolwork, which Anne did. "I never thought raspberry cordial would set people drunk, Marilla..." —Anne talking to Marilla. In October, Anne invited Diana over for tea while Marilla was out, but things did not go as had so carefully planned. Instead of raspberry cordial, Anne accidentally served her currant wine, and Diana became drunk. Mrs. Barry was livid with Anne and told her that she and Diana could no longer be friends. Because of this, Anne decided to go back to school where she would at least be able to see Diana, even if they could not be friends. In January 1877, a worried Diana arrived at Green Gables saying that her little sister Minnie May had croup, that her parents were out, and Mary Joe, who was watching them, was frantic. Anne hurried over to Orchard Slope with Diana and brought along a bottle of ipecac syrup. When they arrived, Minnie May was in a bad state, but Anne knew what to do because she had had experience with the croup before. Since she knew what to do, Anne was able to quickly help Minnie May. Several hours later Matthew arrived, having gone out for a doctor, but being obliged to go all the way to Spencervale for one. When she learned that Anne had saved Minnie May's life, Mrs. Barry forgave Anne and allowed her and Diana to be friends once again. Once again, trouble followed the two girls. After a Debating Club concert, Anne was spending the night at Diana's and the two of them jumped onto the spare room bed. Normally, this would not have been a disaster, but as Diana's Aunt Josephine was in the bed, the two girls got into trouble. The next day Anne apologized to Aunt Josephine and found another "kindred spirit", as she called close friends. In August, when Anne was about thirteen, she was at a party Diana held for the girls in their class. After tea, some of the girls started making dares. The first ones were simple, such as climbing to a certain height in a certain tree, hopping around the garden on one foot, or walking along the board fence. Anne was dared to walk the ridgepole of the roof by Josie Pye, and she did. Unfortunately, Anne lost her balance, fell, and broke her ankle (which, in later years, caused her to have mild arthritis). Mr. Barry carried her home where a worried Marilla met them. Over the next several weeks while Anne was recovering, she got many visits from her classmates and friends as well as the awe-inspiring superintendent. In October of the same year, Anne was back in school and was enthralled by the new teacher, Miss Stacy. The school decided to hold a concert on Christmas evening to pay for a schoolhouse flag. Anne got a part in a tableau with Diana and Ruby Gillis, a high-strung classmate. She was also chosen to recite two pieces. Puffed sleeves on dresses were fashionable at this time, and Anne wanted them more than anything. Stern and sensible Marilla, however, refused to add any frills to Anne's clothing. Matthew went to the store and tried to purchase a dress, but was overcome with shyness. Later that day, he met Rachel Lynde and was able to tell her what he wanted for Anne. Mrs. Lynde was understanding and purchased the cloth to make a lovely brown dress for Anne with rows of gathers and ruffles, puffed sleeves, and a matching ribbon for Anne's hair. Matthew gave it to her for Christmas and Anne wore it to the concert. Miss Josephine Barry sent along a pair of slippers for Anne as a Christmas gift, completing Anne's outfit. Gilbert was so taken by her appearance and performance that he picked up a tissue paper rose which had fallen from her hair and put it in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. Stella: "What are you laughing over, Anne?" Anne: "These stories. As Phil would say they are killing—in more senses than one, for everybody died in them. What dazzlingly lovely heroines we had—and how we dressed them! Silks—satins—velvets—jewels—laces—they never wore anything else. Here is one of Jane Andrews' stories depicting her heroine as sleeping in a beautiful white satin nightdress trimmed with seed pearls." Stella: "Go on. I begin to feel that life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it." Anne: "Here's one I wrote. My heroine is disporting herself at a ball 'glittering from head to foot with large diamonds of the first water.' But what booted beauty or rich attire? 'The paths of glory lead but to the grave.' They must either be murdered or die of a broken heart. There was no escape for them." ―Anne and Stella re-reading the Story Club's endeavours years later During the school year, Anne formed a story club with several of the girls in her class. They all wrote stories, mainly romances, which always included a moral. Several years later at Redmond, she and her friend read over their stories and laughed at their youthful attempts to write tragedy and romance. However, Anne was inspired to save and re-write one "fairy story" which eventually became a source of income for her. "Anne Shirley, what have you done to your hair? Why, it's green!" —Marilla Cuthbert to Anne. In April 1879, when she was fourteen, Anne had another mishap - this time it had to do with her vanity. She had purchased a bottle of hair dye from a peddler, thinking that it would turn her hair black, but instead, it turned her hair green - a queer, dull, bronze green. Anne washed her hair with soap many times, but the colour was still the same. Marilla was forced to cut her hair off short in order to get rid of the dye. Soon afterward, while playing Lily Maid with the girls after reading Tennyson's poem 'The Lady of Shalott', Anne had another run-in with Gilbert. She was lying in Mr. Barry's flat-bottomed dory and drifting down the pond to the other end where the girls would be waiting when the flat began to sink. She was able to get near enough to the pillars of the bridge to grab on to them before the raft sank, but she was stuck. A little while later, Gilbert arrived rowing in Harmon Andrews' dory. He stopped and rescued Anne and once he had gotten her to shore, asked for her forgiveness again as it had been two years since the slate incident. Anne hesitated for a brief moment at this point, but still refused to forgive him. Anne Shirley: "No. I shall never be friends with you, Gilbert Blythe; and I don't want to be!" Gilbert Blythe: "All right! I'll never ask you to be friends again, Anne Shirley. And I don't care either!" ―Anne and Gilbert after Gilbert rescues her from the Lake of Shining Waters In November, Miss Stacy organized a class for those who wished to attend Queen's Academy. Anne became a member of that class, as well as Gilbert. Diana, however, did not join as she was not going to further her education. Anne and Gilbert's rivalry was even stronger now that it was coming from both sides. Both students were equally determined to be top of the class. In the entrance examinations for Queen's, Anne and Gilbert tied for first. Since they were both going to attend Queen's, they could continue to fight for the top position.

    "A child of about eleven, garbed in a very short, very tight, very ugly dress of yellowish-grey wincey. She wore a faded brown sailor hat and beneath the hat, extending down her back, were two braids of very thick, decidedly red hair. Her face was small, white and thin, also much freckled; her mouth was large and so were her eyes, which looked green in some lights and moods and grey in others."

    —Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 2

    In the first books, Anne was viewed by many people - including herself - as plain. She grew up, however, to be beautiful, slender and starry-eyed.

    Although Anne despised her freckles and red hair for a long time, she always comforted herself with the knowledge that she had a very pretty nose.

    Anne, having such creativity, wittiness, and wonder, lives more in her own dream world than out in the real world. Though a willful girl, she strives for the best in anyone she meets (unless they've disappointed her personally). Anne is also an optimistic person who strives to make the best of any situation even if there are moments where all hope ...

    Walter and Bertha Shirley

    "Come to look at you, I see the resemblance. You're complected like your pa. He had red hair. But you favour your ma in your eyes and mouth. She was a nice little thing... They was buried in the one grave and the School Board put up a tombstone to them as a reward for faithful service." —An old woman telling Anne about her parents. Although Anne couldn't remember her parents, as they both died before she was a year old, she remembered their names and spoke of them with respect and love. She was overjoyed when she visited Bolingbroke with Philippa Gordon while on holiday from Redmond, as it meant that she could visit her parents' home. Old woman: "Here's a bundle of old letters I found in that closet upstairs when I came here. I dunno what they are—I never bothered to look in 'em, but the address on the top one is 'Miss Bertha Willis,' and that was your ma's maiden name. You can take 'em if you'd keer to have 'em." Anne: "Oh, thank you—thank you." Old woman: "That was all that was in the house. The furniture was all sold to pay the doctor bills, and Mrs. Thomas got your ma's clothes and little things. I reckon they didn't last long among that drove of Thomas youngsters. They was destructive young animals, as I mind 'em." Anne: "I haven't one thing that belonged to my mother. I—I can never thank you enough for these letters." ―Anne revisiting her parents' home in Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia While there, she obtained a set of love letters from her mother and father to each other from the woman who currently owned the Shirleys' old home.

    Diana Barry

    Anne: "Do you remember that evening we first met, Diana, and 'swore' eternal friendship in your garden? We've kept that 'oath,' I think ... we've never had a quarrel nor even a coolness. I shall never forget the thrill that went over me the day you told me you loved me. I had had such a lonely, starved heart all through my childhood. I'm just beginning to realize how starved and lonely it really was. Nobody cared anything for me or wanted to be bothered with me. I should have been miserable if it hadn't been for that strange little dream-life of mine, wherein I imagined all the friends and love I craved. But when I came to Green Gables everything was changed. And then I met you. You don't know what your friendship meant to me. I want to thank you here and now, dear, for the warm and true affection you've always given me." Diana: "And always, always will. I shall never love anybody ... any girl ... half as well as I love you. And if I ever do marry and have a little girl of my own I'm going to name her Anne." ―Anne and Diana discussing their friendship after Anne decides to attend Redmond College Diana and Anne became best friends upon their first meeting when Anne asked to 'swear eternal friendship' with her. The two kept their promise and both of them were brokenhearted when Diana's mother wouldn't let Diana play with her because Anne accidentally set Diana drunk on currant wine. Mrs. Barry later forgave Anne when the latter saved Diana's little sister's life, and Diana and Anne were reconciled

    Gilbert Blythe

    Anne first met Gilbert Blythe when she began school. She took a deep disliking towards him when he pulled on her hair and called her "Carrots". To this, she hit him over the head with a slate. Even though he had apologized numerous times, she refused to forgive him until much later on. When the two were much older, they did become friends and their relationship was platonic. It seemed quite obvious at times that Gilbert might have been interested in Anne for a long time, especially since he once proposed to her. Anne rejected the first proposal but when he asked again she accepted it. After they married, they had a child named Joyce (also known as Joy) but Joyce died in infancy. The couple mourned deeply, but they managed to move on and have six more children. Even after many years of marriage, the two were hugely devoted to each other.

    "We thought of four names, Jean and Janet and Dorothy... and Anne. I've looked at her and said the first three names. They don't fit. She's not Jean or Janet and Dorothy. But I knew right away that she was Anne. Not A-N-N. Anne with an e. She's our perfect, perfect Anne."

    —Walter Shirley on naming his daughter.

    is a female given name of Hebrew origin and means God has favoured me. The spelling, Anne, is a French form of the name Anna. Her last name, Shirley, means bright meadow. The surname Blythe comes from the Old English meaning of happy, joyous, blithe.

    •Anne's name is pronounced Ann, but if it is spelled without the e she gets very angry as she disliked the name Ann but preferred the name Anne, similar to how she dislikes Catherine but likes Katherine.

    •Anne's best friend Diana named her daughter Anne Cordelia after her. Her second name, Cordelia, was Anne's favorite name during her childhood.

    •Anne named one of her twin daughters after herself. However, everybody called the little girl Nan, to distinguish her from her mother.


    •The appearance of Anne Shirley was modelled after Evelyn Nesbit, an American artists' model. Lucy Maud Montgomery, unaware of her notoriety, used a photograph of her from the Metropolitan Magazine and pasted it to the wall of her bedroom as a reference for Anne.



    •"The Hurrying of Ludovic"

    •"The Winning of Lucinda"

  2. Anne Shirley (born Dawn Evelyn Paris; April 17, 1918 – July 4, 1993) was an American actress. Beginning her career as a child actress under the stage name Dawn O'Day, she adopted the stage name of Anne Shirley, after playing the title character in the film adaptation of Anne of Green Gables in 1934, [1] after which she achieved a ...

    as Dawn O'Day Lost film
    as Dawn O'Day Lost film
    as Dawn O'Day Lost film
    Don Balthazar Carlos
    as Dawn O'Day
  3. La obra narra la vida de Anne Shirley, una niña huérfana que gracias a su carácter imaginativo y despierto logra encandilar a todos los habitantes de Avonlea, un pequeño pueblo ficticio ubicado en la Isla del Príncipe Eduardo, lugar donde se desarrolla la historia a finales del siglo XIX.

  4. › wiki › Anne_ShirleyAnne Shirley - Wikipedia

    Anne Shirley is a fictional character introduced in the 1908 novel Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery. Shirley is featured throughout the classic book series, which revolve around her life and family in 19th and 20th-century Prince Edward Island.

  5. Anne Shirley es famosa por meterse en «líos». En la primera novela, ella rompe una pizarra sobre la cabeza de un niño, se tiñe el cabello de verde, condimenta un pastel con lineamientos e intenta caminar sobre una cumbrera de un techo con trágicas consecuencias.

  6. Anne Shirley (portrayed by Megan Follows) with her famous straw hat is the daughter of Walter and Bertha Shirley. She endured a troubled childhood, bouncing from orphanage to orphanage and from one harsh family to another, aided only by her vast imagination and fiery spirit.

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