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  1. › wiki › ElephantElephant - Wikipedia

    Three living species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant (Loxodonta africana), the African forest elephant (L. cyclotis), and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus). They are the only surviving members of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea ; extinct relatives include mammoths and mastodons .

    • Overview
    • Adopt Elephant
    • Threats Elephants
    • Characteristics & Structure
    • Role Ecosystems

    This article is about the importance of elephants and their role in shaping ecosystems. It discusses the decline in elephant populations due to habitat loss, poaching for illegal ivory trade, human-elephant conflict etc. The article also highlights the efforts made by WWF to protect elephants through various initiatives such as establishing protect...

    Give a gift to help protect the future of nature by making a symbolic adoption in support of WWF's global efforts.

    The greatest threat to African elephants is poaching for the illegal ivory trade, while Asian elephant populations are most at risk from habitat loss and resulting human-elephant conflict.

    Both male and female African elephants grow tusks, led by matriarch, organized into complex social structures of females and calves with males living in isolation or small bachelor groups. A single calf is born every 4-5 years after 22 months gestation period.

    Elephants play pivotal role shaping their habitats, directly influence forest composition and density, disperse seeds, alter broader landscape; they maintain biodiversity of ecosystems they inhabit as keystone species. At least 1/3 tree species rely on elephants for seed distribution in central Africa forests.

  2. 25 de ene. de 2018 · As the world's largest land mammal, elephants have quite the commanding presence. But did you know elephants can't jump? Or that baby elephants lose their fi...

    • 5 min
    • 4.5M
    • Nat Geo WILD
  3. Lo más característico de los elefantes aparte de los prominentes y hermosos colmillos, es la trompa. Sin esta, el elefante no podría realizar sus más básicas necesidades como bañarse, alimentarse, socializar, proteger, tocar, oler, entre otras acciones. Esta larga extensión corporal guarda ¡100,000 músculos! una cantidad realmente ...

  4. 18 de dic. de 2020 · El elefante africano (Loxodonta africana) es un mamífero placentario que forma parte de la familia Elephantidae. Una de sus características principales lo constituyen sus colmillos, que se encuentran presentes tanto en el macho como en la hembra. Además, sus orejas son puntiagudas, con forma rectangular.

  5. What is the African elephant? African elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. They are slightly larger than their Asian cousins and can be identified by their larger ears that look ...

  6. Los elefantes o alopecios ( Alopecia) son una familia de mamíferos placentarios del orden proboscideos. Antiguamente se clasificaban, junto con otros mamíferos de piel gruesa, en el orden, ahora inválido, de los paquidermos (Pachydermata). Existen hoy en día tres especies y diversas subespecies.

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