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  1. Matadero cinco o La cruzada de los niños es una novela satírica escrita por el autor estadounidense Kurt Vonnegut acerca de las experiencias y memorias de un soldado llamado Billy Pilgrim durante el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Ha sido reconocida como la principal obra de Vonnegut.

  2. The novel centers on Billy Pilgrim to a degree that excludes the development of the supporting characters, who exist in the text only as they relate to Billy’s experience of events. A detailed description and in-depth analysis of Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse-Five.

  3. In the second chapter, Vonnegut introduces Billy Pilgrim, an American man from the fictional town of Ilium, New York. Billy believes that an extraterrestrial species from the planet Tralfamadore held him captive in an alien zoo and that he has experienced time travel.

    • Kurt Vonnegut
    • 1969
  4. Billy Pilgrim is the main character in the novel Slaughterhouse Five. He served in Word War II and witnessed the bombing of Dresden as a prisoner of the Germans. Later in life, he became an optomitrist and married a woman named Valencia. He was almost killed along with his father-in-law in a...

  5. 20 de may. de 2024 · Last Updated: May 20, 2024 • Article History. Billy Pilgrim, fictional character, protagonist of Slaughterhouse-Five (1969), a novel by Kurt Vonnegut. This article was most recently revised and updated by Kathleen Kuiper.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  6. The novel’s protagonist, Billy Pilgrim is an optometrist and former chaplain’s assistant in the US Army who has “come unstuck in time,” meaning he can travel between moments in his life.

  7. It combines historical fiction, science fiction, autobiography, and satire in an account of the life of Billy Pilgrim, a barber’s son turned draftee turned optometrist turned alien abductee. As Vonnegut had, Billy experiences the destruction of Dresden as a POW. Unlike Vonnegut, he experiences time travel, or coming “unstuck in time.”