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  1. Gabriel de Melitene (fallecido en 1102 o 1103) [1] fue el gobernante de Melitene (actual Malatya). Biografía. Junto con Teodoro de Edesa, Gabriel era un antiguo lugarteniente de Filareto Brajamio. Filareto había nombrado a Gabriel como gobernador de Melitene.

  2. 14 de ago. de 2022 · Gabriel of Melitene (1055 – 1103) was the ruler of Melitene (modern Malatya). Along with Thoros of Edessa, Gabriel was a former officer of Philaretos Brachamios. Philaretos had installed Gabriel as the ruler of Melitene.

    • N.N., Daughter of Constantine
  3. Gabriel of Melitene (died 1102/3) was an Armenian general who ruled the city of Melitene (modern Malatya). Gabriel started his career as an officer of the Byzantine general Philaretos Brachamios, who installed him in Melitene. After the general's death, Gabriel broke away from the Byzantine Empire.

  4. La batalla de Melitene fue un enfrentamiento armado que se libró en el año 1100 entre un ejército cruzado dirigido por Bohemundo de Tarento y otro de los turcos danisméndidas, encabezado por Ghazi ibn Danishmend. Finalmente, los turcos se hicieron con la victoria.

  5. Gabriel of Melitene was born in 1058, in Armenia as the son of Xeol de Mélitene. He had at least 2 daughters with Inconnue d' Armenie. He died in 1102, in Anatolia, Türkiye, at the age of 44.

  6. 17 de nov. de 2014 · Gabriel of Melitene (1055 – 1103) was the ruler of Melitene (modern Malatya). Along with Thoros of Edessa, Gabriel was a former officer of Philaretos Brachamios. Philaretos had installed Gabriel as the ruler of Melitene.

  7. Descubra gratis el árbol genealógico de Gabriel Of Melitene para saber todo sobre sus orígenes y su historia familiar.