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  1. Xaykh Junayd ibn Ibrahim (? - 4 de març de 1460) fou el quart xeic safàvida, successor del seu pare Ibrahim com a líder de l'organització a Ardabil el 1447 / 1448. Fou pare de Xaïkh Haydar. Va organitzar els seus seguidors militarment i es va enfrontar a Jahan-Xah, l'emir qara qoyunlu de l'Azerbaidjan que li va ordenar sortir dels seus territoris.

  2. 22 de ene. de 2016 · Shaykh Djunayd Ṣafawī (d. 1460), the grandfather of Shāh Ismā c īl, had nearly seized the city of Trebizond, about thirty years before the birth of his famous grandson. The Trapezuntine nobles left their sovereigns, the emperor John IV (1429–1459) and, likely, his sister Theodora, the future wife of Uzun Ḥasan and grandmother of Ismā c īl.

  3. The Date of the Campaign After the death of shaykh Ibrahim in 1447-48/851 his son Djunayd became the leader of a ~ufi order of ~afawiyya in Ardabil. 13 Owing to an acute conflict with Qara Quyunlu ruler Dj ahanshah (1438-1467), he had to escape from Ardabil and to leave the lands of Qara Quyunlu sultanate (c. 1448/852).14 Further wanderings of shaykh Djunayd can be reconstructed only on the ...

  4. Xaïkh Djunayd el va perseguir i aviat va arribar davant els murs de Trebisonda, però després de tres dies es va trobar amb els murs inexpugnables, i va marxar amb el seu exèrcit cap al sud per devastar el districte de Mesochaldia.

  5. Contingut. amaga. Djunayd. Per a altres significats, vegeu « Xaïkh Djunayd ». Djunayd (? - 1426) fou emir d' Aidin, fill d' Ibrahim Bahadur, senyor de Bodemya i net de Mehmed Beg, fundador del beylik d'Aidin . Apareix a la història el 1402 quan Tamerlà va restablir el beylik.

  6. Djunayd were more persistent in his attempts to capture the city, who knows what would be the future of both celebrated dynasties. The campaign of shaykh Djunayd against Trebizond was discussed for a long time by Byzantinists as well as by Orientalists. However, the date of the campaign has not been established ex­

  7. Shaykh Djunayd afawī (d. 1460), the grandfather of Shāh Ismācīl, had nearly seized the city of Trebizond, about thirty years before the birth of his famous grandson. The Trapezuntine nobles left their sovereigns, the emperor John IV (1429-1459) and, likely, his sister Theodora, the future wife of Uzun asan and grandmother of Ismācīl.