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  1. Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem (21 March 1747 – 30 October 1772) was a German lawyer. His suicide in Wetzlar became the model for that of The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe.

  2. Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem (* 21. März 1747 in Wolfenbüttel; † 30. Oktober 1772 in Wetzlar) war ein deutscher Jurist. Durch seinen Suizid wurde er zum Vorbild für das tragische Ende von Goethes Werther .

  3. JERUSALEM, KARL WILHELM (1747–1772), German philosopher. Jerusalem was the son of a well-known court preacher in Brunswick, Germany, who was probably of Dutch Jewish origin. Jerusalem studied law at Leipzig and Goettingen, and became a functionary of the legation at Wetzlar.

  4. Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem. F ilósofo alemán, hijo de Federico Guillermo Jerusalem, que nació a mediados del siglo XVIII y murió en 1772. Una pasión violenta, que concibió por la esposa de un amigo suyo, le condujo al suicidio, lo cual dio a Goethe la idea de su novela Werther.

  5. Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem. (1747—1772) Quick Reference. (Wolfenbüttel, 1747–72, Wetzlar), son of Lessing's friend J. F. J. Jerusalem (1709–89), was at Wetzlar in the diplomatic service of the Duchy of Brunswick. His relations with his principal, Graf ... From: Jerusalem, Karl Wilhelm in The Oxford Companion to German Literature » Subjects: Literature.

  6. ALL STUDENTS of Werther are familiar with the name of Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, the moody young secretary of the Braunschweig legation in Wetzlar, for it was his suicide at the age of twenty-five in October, 1772, which supplied Goethe with the climactic incident of the novel. Less.

  7. Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, who died by suicide on the night of Oct 29 or 30, 1772. He shot himself in the head with a pistol borrowed from Kestner. Goethe, Kestner, and Charlotte were close friends and Goethe was deeply in love with Charlotte. He left Wetzlar where they all lived in the autumn of 1772 in a bid to get