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  1. The Golden Age of Science Fiction, often identified in the United States as the years 1938–1946, [1] was a period in which a number of foundational works of science fiction literature appeared. In the history of science fiction, the Golden Age follows the "pulp era" of the 1920s and 1930s, and precedes New Wave science fiction of ...

  2. La primera Edad de oro de la ciencia ficción —reconocida a menudo como la etapa comprendida entre 1939 y 1946— 1 fue un período donde el género de la ciencia ficción comienza a atraer la atención del público, y donde muchas historias clásicas de este género fueron publicadas. 2 En la historia de la ciencia ficción, la Edad de Oro fue precedi...

  3. Under Campbell's direction, the years from 1938–1950 would become known as the "Golden Age of science fiction", though Asimov points out that the term Golden Age has been used more loosely to refer to other periods in science fiction's history.

  4. Even in the sphere of Anglophone sf, Mike Ashley has strongly argued in his Transformations: The Story of the Science Fiction Magazines 1950-1970 ( 2005) that the true Golden Age – the one which really sparkled with a huge diversity of talent – was 1950-1954 with its flood of new and re-emerging writers (Philip K Dick, Philip José Farmer ...

  5. Mass markets and juvenile science fiction; The “golden age” of science fiction; Soviet science fiction; Science fiction after World War II. New directions in fiction; SF cinema and TV

  6. In this short clip, Isaac Asi­mov dis­cuss­es the gold­en age of sci­ence fic­tion, which began in 1937 (and end­ed in 1950) when John W. Camp­bell Jr. took over as edi­tor of the mag­a­zine Astound­ing Sci­ence Fic­tion.