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  1. El alfabeto latino o abecedario (en latín: Abecedarium Latinum) es el sistema de escritura alfabético más usado del mundo.

  2. The Latin alphabet, also known as the Roman alphabet, is the collection of letters originally used by the ancient Romans to write the Latin language.

  3. › wiki › Latin_scriptLatin script - Wikipedia

    The Latin script, also known as the Roman script, and technically Latin writing system, is an alphabetic writing system based on the letters of the classical Latin alphabet, derived from a form of the Greek alphabet which was in use in the ancient Greek city of Cumae, in southern Italy (Magna Graecia).

  4. The chart above lists a variety of alphabets that do not officially contain all 26 letters of the ISO basic Latin alphabet. In this list, one letter is used by all of them: A. For each of the 26 basic ISO Latin alphabet letters, the number of alphabets in the list above using it is as follows:

  5. Originalmente el alfabeto latino constaba de las siguientes letras: La letra C representaba el fonema /g/ La letra I servía tanto para /i/ como para /j/. La letra V también servía para dos sonidos /u/ y /w/. Latín arcaico [ editar] Caligrafía original del alfabeto latino arcaico y sus distintas variantes.

  6. Latin alphabet, the most widely used alphabetic writing system in the world, the standard script of the English language and the languages of most of Europe and those areas settled by Europeans. Developed from the Etruscan alphabet at some time before 600 bce , it can be traced through Etruscan, Greek , and Phoenician scripts to the North ...

  7. The Duenos inscription, dated to the 6th century BC, shows the earliest known forms of the Old Latin alphabet. The Latin script is the most widely used alphabetic writing system in the world. [1] It is the standard script of the English language and is often referred to simply as "the alphabet" in English.