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  1. A personal union is a combination of two or more monarchical states that have the same monarch while their boundaries, laws, and interests remain distinct. A real union, by contrast, involves the constituent states being to some extent interlinked, such as by sharing some limited governmental institutions.

  2. Una unión personal es una figura jurídica mediante la cual dos o más Estados comparten un mismo jefe de Estado, sin que exista, necesariamente, una integración política entre ambas naciones. Las dos o más entidades que forman una unión personal se consideran Estados soberanos separados.

  3. A personal union is a relationship of two or more sovereign states, which, through law, share the same person as their head of state. Personal unions can begin for very different reasons. In many cases a princess who is already married to a king becomes pregnant, and their child inherits the crown of both countries.

  4. Unter Personalunion versteht man die Ausübung verschiedener nicht miteinander verbundener Ämter oder Funktionen durch dieselbe Person, nicht jedoch das von dieser Person etwaig beherrschte Gesamtgebiet. Eine Personalunion entsteht aus in der Person liegenden Gründen (etwa weil sie in getrennten Wahlen für beide Ämter gewählt ...

  5. The personal union between Great Britain and Hanover existed from 1714 to 1837. During this time, the Elector of Braunschweig-Lüneburg or King of Hanover was also King of Great Britain.

  6. La Unión del Personal Civil de la Nación es un sindicato que reúne a los trabajadores de distintos sectores de la administración pública nacional, provincial o municipal dentro de la República Argentina.

  7. A personal union is a combination of two or more monarchical states that have the same monarch while their boundaries, laws, and interests remain distinct. A real union, by contrast, involves the constituent states being to some extent interlinked, such as by sharing some limited governmental institutions.