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  1. The South West Peninsula is the area of England between the Bristol Channel to the north and the English Channel to the south. It is part of the South West region of England, and includes the counties of Cornwall, Devon, and (depending on its precise definition) all or part of the counties of Somerset and Dorset .

  2. El Sudoeste de Inglaterra (en inglés: South West England, en córnico: Rannvro Soth West) es una de las nueve regiones de Inglaterra. Está formada por siete condados: Gloucestershire, Somerset, Dorset, Brístol, Wiltshire, Devon y Cornualles. Su capital es Brístol.

  3. The South West—England’s largest peninsula—has six conspicuous uplands: Exmoor, where Dunkery Beacon reaches an elevation of 1,704 feet (519 metres); the wild, granite uplands of Dartmoor, which reach 2,038 feet (621 metres) at High Willhays; Bodmin Moor; Hensbarrow; Carn Brea; and the Penwith upland that forms….

  4. Una península es una extensión de tierra que está rodeada de agua por todas partes excepto por una zona o istmo, que la une al continente o isla. En general, el agua que rodea la tierra es el agua de mar, aunque también aparecen penínsulas en grandes lagos e incluso en otras extensiones menores de agua como estuarios o ríos.

  5. The South West Peninsula is the area of England between the Bristol Channel to the north and the English Channel to the south. It is part of the South West region of England, and includes the counties of Cornwall, Devon, and all or part of the counties of Somerset and Dorset. Overview.