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  1. Mary, also known as Maria of Anjou (Hungarian: Anjou Mária, Croatian: Marija Anžuvinska, Polish: Maria Andegaweńska; 1371 – 17 May 1395), reigned as Queen of Hungary and Croatia between 1382 and 1385, and from 1386 until her death.

  2. Mary, also known as Maria of Anjou, reigned as Queen of Hungary and Croatia between 1382 and 1385, and from 1386 until her death. She was the daughter of Louis the Great, King of Hungary and Poland, and his wife, Elizabeth of Bosnia.

  3. La reina María de Hungría. 1553 - 1564. Bronce, 175 x 60 cm. Sala del Claustro. María de Hungría (c.1553-1564) fue, junto a su hermano Carlos V, el más importante patrono de Leone Leoni en la corte imperial.

  4. Queen of Hungary and regent of the Netherlands. Name variations: Marie of Austria or Marie d'Autriche; Maria of Hungary; Maria of Castile; Mary Habsburg or Hapsburg.

  5. The country’s regent—Charles’s sister, Mary of Hungary—had proved incapable of settling the conflict between herself and the city, which jealously guarded its prerogatives. On his arrival in February 1540, Charles revoked Ghent’s privileges, had 13 leading rebels executed, and gave orders to build a fortified castle.