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  1. Sistema cristalino trigonal. Apariencia. ocultar. El sistema cristalino trigonal, es uno de los siete sistemas cristalinos existentes en cristalografía. Es seguido por la estructura molecular de muchos minerales, como por ejemplo en la turmalina o el rubí. Ejemplar de corindón.

  2. Los siete sistemas de cristal son triclínico, monoclínico, ortorrómbico, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal y cúbico. Informalmente, dos cristales están en el mismo sistema cristalino si tienen simetrías similares (aunque hay muchas excepciones).

  3. In crystallography, the hexagonal crystal family is one of the 6 crystal families, which includes two crystal systems (hexagonal and trigonal) and two lattice systems (hexagonal and rhombohedral ). While commonly confused, the trigonal crystal system and the rhombohedral lattice system are not equivalent (see section crystal systems ...

  4. Five of the crystal systems are essentially the same as five of the lattice systems. The hexagonal and trigonal crystal systems differ from the hexagonal and rhombohedral lattice systems. These are combined into the hexagonal crystal family.