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  1. Right now Captain Reilly, the MTF's commanding officer, would be tearing a strip off the Site staff and getting the declassified information needed to tackle the mission without fumbling blindly in the dark. In the meantime swift action was called for, and Bert's squad had been deployed first.

    • Capt. Reilly
    • Site-38 General Alert <8 contacts>
    • Containment Breach
  2. Only one individual has been recovered after direct contact with SCP-279, despite [REDACTED] D-class and equipment expended. Said individual appeared to be in a state of near-catatonic shock upon recovery in a basement.

  3. r/scpunredacted: Audiobook and radio-drama style readings of the newest articles from the SCP Foundation and Wanderers' Library, including tales and….

  4. Black boxes are small amount of information that's just censored- Names, dates, locations. [REDACTED] are larger chunks of information you don't have the clearance to see. [DATA EXPUNGED] is information that was wiped from the record entirely.

  5. During the subsequent conversation, SCP-086 identified itself as Dr. [REDACTED], and then ordered level-3 personnel to revoke its security clearance, and to make a full report of its existence and properties to O5-level personnel.

  6. A lot of the earlier SCPs used expunged and redacted information to add to the horror and mystique of the article. SCP-231 is a good example; the whole point of Procedure 110-Montauk is that it's meant to be so morally atrocious that it's better to be left to the imagination.

  7. MTF ר-1 (Rēsh-1), nicknamed "Seat of Consciousness", is a Mobile Task Force of the SCP Foundation that reports directly to the Administrator. Very little is known about them, due to their existence being secret from even the O5 Council.