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  1. UNIVERSITAT DE VALÈNCIA. Brunelleschi es considerado como el descubridor de la perspectiva lineal mediante un método matemático. Su objetivo es imitar un espacio tridimensional en una superficie plana tal y como sería contemplado por el ojo humano.

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  2. En el apasionante mundo del Renacimiento, Filippo Brunelleschi dejó una huella imborrable al inventar la perspectiva lineal en la pintura. Descubre cómo este genio revolucionó el arte visual y transformó para siempre nuestra forma de percibir el mundo.

  3. 12 de oct. de 2020 · In the year 1415, the artist Filippo Brunelleschi discovered, or more honestly, re-discovered a method of architecture that would revolutionize art forever. Linear Perspective allowed art to have depth and appear to be in 3D, allowing portraits and paintings to seem more realistic, a key factor that defined the Renaissance Era.

  4. Besides his accomplishments in architecture, Brunelleschi is also credited as the first person to describe a precise system of linear perspective. This revolutionized painting and opened the way for the naturalistic styles of Renaissance art. [51]

  5. 2 de sept. de 2020 · Brunelleschi took a great interest in the science of linear perspective, that is, creating the illusion of depth on a flat surface by having imaginary sightlines all converge towards a central point, a subject in which he was a pioneer.

  6. 6 de dic. de 2023 · Linear Perspective: Brunelleschi’s Experiment. by Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris. An introduction to Filippo Brunelleschi’s experiment regarding linear perspective, c. 1420, in front of the Baptistry in Florence.