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  1. Philip Sidney (30 de noviembre de 1554-17 de octubre de 1586) fue una de las figuras más prominentes de la época isabelina inglesa y modelo de hombre renacentista, famoso en su día en Inglaterra como escritor, cortesano y militar, introdujo el soneto en la literatura inglesa, así como también otras corrientes renacentistas, tanto mediante ...

  2. Sir Philip Sidney (30 November 1554 – 17 October 1586) was an English poet, courtier, scholar and soldier who is remembered as one of the most prominent figures of the Elizabethan age. His works include a sonnet sequence , Astrophel and Stella , a treatise , The Defence of Poesy (also known as The Defence of Poesie or An Apology ...

  3. 20 de jul. de 1998 · Sir Philip Sidney (born November 30, 1554, Penshurst, Kent, England—died October 17, 1586, Arnhem, Netherlands) was an Elizabethan courtier, statesman, soldier, poet, and patron of scholars and poets, considered the ideal gentleman of his day.

  4. Probably composed in the 1580s, Philip Sidney's Astrophil and Stella is an English sonnet sequence containing 108 sonnets and 11 songs. The name derives from the two Greek words, 'aster' (star) and 'phil' (lover), and the Latin word 'stella' meaning star. Thus Astrophil is the star lover, and Stella is his star.

  5. An Apology for Poetry (or The Defence of Poesy) is a work of literary criticism by Elizabethan poet Philip Sidney. It was written in approximately 1580 and first published in 1595, after his death.

  6. The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, also known simply as the Arcadia, is a long prose pastoral romance by Sir Philip Sidney written towards the end of the 16th century. Having finished one version of his text, Sidney later significantly expanded and revised his work.

  7. The Defence of Poesy by Sir Philip Sidney | Poetry Foundation. Back to Previous. Essay on Poetic Theory. The Defence of Poesy. By Sir Philip Sidney. Introduction. Sir Philip Sidney lived an active life as a courtier, solider, diplomat, and writer. He was born at Penshurst Place, in Kent in 1554.