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  1. El Vedanta Advaita Por Mónica Cavallé. Los Vedânta-sûtras o Brahma-sûtras son una serie de sentencias extremadamente sintéticas, en sí mismas casi ininteligibles, que servían de sostén o hilo mnemotécnico (sûtra = hilo) a toda una tradición oral.

    • Vedanta Advaita

      El Vedanta Advaita es la filosofía hindú más influyente. Al...

    • Philosophical Works
    • In Praise of Gurus
    • In Praise of Devatas
    • Collections
    Advaita Bodha Dipika An epitome of the teachings of Advaita Vedanta often attributed to the celebrated Swami Hariharananda Saraswati (Karpatra Maharaj) of Kashi. However it is likely that it was in...
    Advaita Dipika A work by the 20th Advaitin Mahamahopadhya N.S. Anantakrishna Shastri which defends Advaita Vedanta against Dvaita criticism. PDF
    Advaita Siddhi An important work of Advaita polemics by Swami Madhusudana Saraswati. It seeks to defend Advaita Vedanta against the criticisms of the Dvaitins.
    Atmavidya Vilasa A work by the 18th century composer, saint, and philosopher Swami Sadashiva Brahmendra Saraswati. In it he describes the conduct of a Jnani ever absorbed in Brahman. PDF of text on...
    Guru Parampara These shlokas praise the lineage of Advaita gurus from the beginningless Lord Narayana through Shankaracharya and his pupils. HTML
    Shrivedavyasashtottarashatanamastotram In 18 shlokas, this stotra by Swami Yogananda Sarasvati gives 108 names of Maharshi Vedavyasa the founder of the tradition of Vedanta. PDF
    Shrivedavyasanamavalli This is a booklet by Swami Yogananda Saraswati with the Shrivedavyasashtottarashatanamastotram listed above, as well as the 108 names separated out and an English translation...
    Shrimacchankaracharyashtottarashatanamavali 108 names praising Shankaracharya. PDF with English translation From Sringeri Vidyabharati Foundation
    Sri Venkatesha Karavalamba Stotram A composition of Swami Sacchidananda Sivabhinava Narasimha Bharati, the 33rd Jagadguru of the Shringeri Matha PDF with English translation From Sringeri Vidyabhar...
    Shiva Panchakshari Bhashyam This short work by Padmapadacharya, the seniormost disciple of Shankaracharya gives 7 different meanings to namaH shiVaya, the mahamantra of Shiva Bhagavan PDF
    Sri Abhirami Antadi This is a classic of Devi Bhakti written in Tamil by Abhirama Bhatta in praise of Abhirami Mata of Thirukadayur TN. Shri Ramesha Ramanan combined English translations andcomment...

    Shankaracharyajayanti Pathamala A collection of stotras by Shankaracharya and later Sringeri acharyas to be recited during Shankaracharya Jayanti PDF

  2. 24 de may. de 2024 · ¿Qué textos son esenciales para el estudio de Advaita Vedanta? Los Upanishads, la Bhagavad Gita y los Brahma Sutras son textos fundamentales para el estudio del Advaita Vedanta, además de los comentarios de Adi Shankaracharya sobre estos escritos.

  3. La doctrina advaita (o Advaita Vedānta (/ʌðˈvaɪtə vɛˈðɑːntə/; en sánscrito: अद्वैत वेदान्त, lit. ''no secundidad'') es un sādhanā hindú, un camino de disciplina y experiencia espiritual, y la tradición existente más antigua de la escuela hindú ortodoxa Vedānta.

  4. En el Vedanta advaita se clarifican los diferentes estados de conciencia: vigilia, sueño, sueño profundo y turiya, que son considerados por el Vedanta, datos antropológicos. Vamos a sintetizar como se concibe cada uno de ellos.

  5. Textos y cursos. Mucho se ha escrito ya, desde la psicología, la filosofía y desde otros diversos ámbitos, respecto a cómo las personas respondemos y reaccionamos frente a los acontecimientos con que nos enfrentamos a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Continuar leyendo.