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  1. Medici family, Italian bourgeois family that ruled Florence and, later, Tuscany during most of the period from 1434 to 1737, except for two brief intervals. It provided the Roman Catholic Church with four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV, and Leon XI) and married into the royal families of Europe.

  2. Su hermano Juan de Médicis (Giovanni, 1475-1521), recuperó el poder en 1512 gracias a la ayuda del papa Julio II, de manera que Florencia quedó subordinada a Roma en los años siguientes. Ejerció el poder junto con su hermano menor, Julián (Giuliano, 1478-1516).

  3. Juan de Médici o Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (en italiano) (Florencia, 1360-20 de febrero de 1429) fue un banquero de la Edad Media, fundador de la poderosa familia Médici de Florencia, padre de Cosme de Médici (Pater Patriae) y bisabuelo de Lorenzo de Médici (El magnífico).

  4. Giovanni belonged to the younger, or cadet, branch of the Medici, descended from Lorenzo, brother to Cosimo the Elder. His son, Cosimo, became the first grand duke of Tuscany as Cosimo I, founder of the grand duchy and the new Medicean dynasty.

  5. Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici (c. 1360–1429), son of Averardo de' Medici (1320–1363), increased the wealth of the family through his creation of the Medici Bank, and became one of the richest men in the city of Florence.

  6. 9 de nov. de 2009 · Giovanni’s elder son, Cosimo de Medici (1389-1464), rose to political power in 1434 and ruled Florence as an uncrowned monarch for the rest of his life.

  7. 30 de ene. de 2023 · The Medici family originated in the agricultural Mugello region of Tuscany. The name Medici means “doctors”. The dynasty began when Giovanni di Bicci de’ Medici (1360–1429) emigrated to Florence to found the Medici Bank in 1397, which would become Europe’s largest and most respected bank.