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  1. 12 de dic. de 2007 · Descargas: IDA Pro Advanced 7.6 + HexRays. IDA Pro Advanced 7.6 + HexRays. Califica este Archivo. Añadido por LUK - 12-12-2007. IDA Pro es un desensamblador, el mejor. Desensamblador capaz de realizar la ingeniería inversa de casi cualquier programa hecho para casi cualquier procesador. Info del archivo: IDA Pro 7.6 SP1.7z:

    • Airsnort

      + Descargar: AirSnort es una herramienta para LANs...

    • Seguridad en Redes

      La idea de escribir este segundo libro como continuación de...

    • HH eZine Nº1

      + Descargar: Indice de la HH eZine N1: Ciberactivismo:...

  2. IDA Pro as a disassembler is capable of creating maps of their execution to show the binary instructions that are actually executed by the processor in a symbolic representation (assembly language). Advanced techniques have been implemented into IDA Pro so that it can generate assembly language source code from machine-executable code and make this complex code more human-readable.

  3. Download center. Demo & Free versions of IDA and utilities, Sample plugins, Plugin contest submissions, User contributions, And more!

    • Processor Modules
    • File Formats
    • Debugger
    • Kernel / Misc.
    • Flirt / Tils / Ids
    • User Interface
    • Plugins
    • Decompilers
    6502: disassemble 65C02-specific opcodes STP and WAI
    68K: display ranges of Dx and Ax registers explicitly in the movem instruction
    ARM: add support for ARMv8.4-RCPC instructions (LDAPUR, STLUR)
    ARM: add support for golang ABI
    DWARF: fix detection of golang files, improve use of golang-specfic DWARF info
    DWARF: support batch-loading dwarf files from a macOS11 KDK into an MH_FILESET kernelcache idb
    ELF: mips: handle the most frequently used microMIPS relocations
    ELF: mips: process MIPS16 relocations
    bochs: updated ida to support bochs 2.6.11
    dalvik: added device connection string (ADB_CONNECT), to simplify Corellium usage
    dalvik: added option JDWP_WAIT_FOREVER to wait for JDWP reply infinitely, this helps to debug the shared library of Dalvik application
    debugger: don't exit IDA if creating a debugger segment fails
    improved handling of corrupted IDBs: detect when a function object is missing and try to fix it
    kernel: support variable-sized structures in unions
    types: allow specification of stack offsets of function arguments (with __usercall); also, return location can be on the stack
    types: if applying a function type to data which can be a pointer (e.g. dword or qword) then convert the type to a function pointer
    TIL: add _PEB_LDR_DATA to the standard "undocumented" structures for mssdk_* tils
    TIL: added type libraries for xnu-7195
    UI: added a database cache for the strings list
    UI: added NAVBAND_FORCE_GAPS option (defaults to NO), to control whether the navigation band should display gaps between adjacent segments
    UI: added the "Clear..." action to the string list window
    UI: automatically sync new enum types to the idb
    golang: new plugin to parse and use metadata produced by the Go compiler and Go-specific idioms (pclntab, fixed-length string literals)
    eh_parse: improve EH metadata parsing for x64 and ARMv7/ARM64 PE files
    OBJC: fixed objc:RunUntilMessageReceived action for macOS11/iOS14
    OBJC: improve Objective-C metadata parsing for macOS11/iOS14 (specifically __objc_methlist structures)
    decompiler: "set call type" is available in more situations
    decompiler: add an intrinsic function for the x87 fbstp instruction
    decompiler: added a rule 'and (x|y), #n => or (x&#n), (y&#n)'
    decompiler: added action "Quick rename"
  4. 13 de sept. de 2021 · Here you can download any versions of IDA Pro, SDK etc. Keep in mind, new update does not mean it will be leaked just yet. Wait for any leakers to leak out latest IDA Pro. It can take long time to do. It is highly recommended that you use an Adblocker extension. Use ublock Origin! • 7.6 (With decompilers) (Windows) SP1

  5. Hace rato que vengo bajando todos los instaladores del IDA Pro de [Enlace externo eliminado para invitados] Aca les dejo el link de la version 7.6: [Enlace externo eliminado para invitados]

  6. A short tutorial explaining the process of downloading and installing IDA Pro.More information about IDA Pro: us on Linke...

    • 4 min
    • 29.2K
    • Hex-Rays