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  1. The Eichmann trial was the 1961 trial in Israel of major Holocaust perpetrator Adolf Eichmann who was captured in Argentina by Israeli agents and brought to Israel to stand trial. [1] The capturing of Eichmann was criticized by the United Nations, calling it a "violation of the sovereignty of a Member State".

  2. El juicio de Eichmann despertó el interés internacional, trayendo las atrocidades nazis a la vanguardia de las noticias del mundo. Los testimonios de los sobrevivientes del Holocausto, especialmente de los combatientes de los ghettos como Zivia Lubetkin, generaron interés en la resistencia judía.

  3. Adolf Eichmann, a pivotal figure in the implementation of the “Final Solution,” was put on trial in Jerusalem, Israel, in 1961. Learn about the trial and its legacies.

  4. In 1961, history was on trial—in a trial that made history. A new documentary tells the story of the trial of Adolf Eichmann, the first effort in a decades-long attempt to combat Holocaust denial.

  5. 27 de may. de 2024 · His trial lasted from April 11 to December 15, 1961, and Eichmann was sentenced to death, the only death sentence ever imposed by an Israeli court. Eichmann was hanged on May 31, 1962, and his ashes were scattered at sea.

    • Michael Berenbaum
  6. El 11 de mayo de 1960 al anochecer fue secuestrado Ricardo Klement cerca de su domicilio en la calle Garibaldi, en un suburbio de Buenos Aires, Argentina, por algunos hombres desconocidos. Eran agentes israelíes llegados a esa ciudad con la intención de capturar a Eichmann y llevarlo a juicio en Israel.

  7. The trial of Adolf Eichmann, held in Jerusalem in 1961 and 1962, riveted the attention of the Israeli public and aroused great interest the world over. This was the first time that the Holocaust was presented to a competent judicial body in full detail, in all its stages and from all its aspects.