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  1. A number of works touch on aspects how Hitler’s narcissism manifested during the Nazi rule over Germany. Two works from a psychoanalytic viewpoint (Bromberg & Small, 1984; Waite, 1978) and one non-psychoanalytic work (Haycock, 2019) illuminate some of Hitler’s narcissistic traits.

  2. According to Nitze, Speer “leaned over backwards” to help, pointing the Americans to where they could find records of his reports to Hitlermany of which were held in a safe in Munich.

  3. Published later as Spandau Diaries, Speer charts what seems to be a calculated course between the rhetorical device of apologia, in which a person seeks to clarify and defend their conduct against an accusation in order to earn vindication and regain acceptance, and its counter, apology, as a regretful acknowledgement of wrongdoing.

  4. Chief Architect of the Reich. After hearing Hitler speak at a party rally, Speer joined the Nazi party in 1931. His first major commission as a party member came a year on when one of his clients recommended him to propaganda minister Goebbels to renovate the district headquarters in Berlin.

  5. Review by Donald L. Niewyk, History, Southern Methodist University. How much of what Albert Speer said and wrote after 1945 can we believe? Gitta Sereny probed the question by befriending Speer and holding long. conversations with him from 1978 until his death in 1981.

  6. At first sight, the pronoun ‘Er’ does not demand explication, since the connection between the life of Albert Speer, which symbolically illustrates Germany’s post-war struggle with questions of guilt and responsibility, and the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler is apparently self-evident.

  7. 29 de mar. de 2016 · Nazi leader Adolf Hitler commissioned architect Albert Speer to recreate Berlin as “Germania,” a world capital with buildings intended to give the world “a taste of the power and grandeur of the German Reich,” and “the feeling that one is visiting the master of the world.”