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  1. Reino de Inglaterraball es la countryball que representa al reino de Inglaterra.

  2. Inglaterraball es la countryball que representa al país soberano ubicado en Europa que abarca las islas británicas y todo Reino Unido, conocidos también como piratas a la tercera nación constitutiva británica de Inglaterra.

  3. Reino Unidoball es la Countryball que representa al Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte, una nación ubicada en Europa. Está conformado por: Inglaterraball, Escociaball, Galesball e Irlanda del Norteball. Su capital es Londresball .

  4. La bandera combina los aspectos de las tres banderas: la cruz roja de San Jorge para representar el Reino de Inglaterra, el aspa blanca de San Andrés para representar a Escocia y el saltire rojo de San Patricio para representar a Irlanda.

    • History
    • Personality
    • Counties
    • Relationships
    • How to Draw

    Before 927, Englandball wasn't a united entity but instead a mix of different Angleball and Saxonball petty kingdoms. After 866 there was a period of Danish vassalization called Danelawball. In 1066, Duchy of Normandyball conquered the Kingdom of Englandballand installed a new leader. England got involved in the religious wars between the Protestan...

    Englandball is hot-blooded and full of self-confidence, like your typical Shōnen protagonist. It is fond of sarcastic one-liners, which its brothers find extremely irritating. Whenever its brothers chide it for its sarcasm, Englandball's responses boil down to "sarcasm is the highest form of intellect" or "honesty is the greatest virtue". Englandba...


    1. Portugalball - Teacup!! My Darling! I love you! We've been very close since 1386! We've never been to war against each other, actually, it has always been by my side in all wars! I protected its from Idiot Frenchin the Napoleonic Era. You'll always be my best friend and spouse! 2. Walesball - My sibling but we're both Romansin Britain. 3. Real Georgias - We both hate that idiotfor stealing our identity. 4. Brazilball and Ukraineball- 7-1 Friends! Also, we stand with Ukraine! 5. Italyball -...


    1. UKball- Why no parliament, you bl**dy parliament thief! Give me my independence! Or just a parliament and I'll be fine... but I'm English. 2. Scotlandball - Sibling. Why don't I get a parliament like you? Also, stop your separatism (then we can be friends). But please dump Hungaryballout of next summer Euro 2024. 3. Northern Irelandball - My youngest sibling (?), they're so retarded only parent and their sibling can understand it. Also, stop with your "fleg" crap! You will never get a flag...


    1. Sealandball - YOU DON'T HAVE ANY LAND, IT TAKES A FEW HELICOPTERS AND BOATS JUST TO “INVADE” YOU! But don’t tell anyone that I recognize you, it will be embarrassing if you will. 2. Georgiaball - F*CKING FLAG STEALER! I DON'T CARE IF WE BOTH HATE VODKA, YOU JUST ADDED MORE CROSSES TO MAKE YOURSELF ORIGINAL! RUSSIA CAN KILL YOU FOR ALL I CARE! 2.1. : You made yourself original by removing the "extra" crosses I have, plus I'm centuries older than you. 3. Genoaball- Flag Stealer #2 4. Hungary...

    Drawing Englandball is very simple: 1. Draw the basic circle shape 2. Draw a redcross 3. Draw the eyes and you've finished. 4. Optional: bowler hat, umbrella, monocle

  5. Las Countryballs son personificaciones cómicas de países, representadas como bolas con las banderas nacionales. Descubre más sobre este fenómeno único y cómo la comunidad hispana se involucra en la creación de contenido relacionado.

  6. 20 de abr. de 2024 · Englandball was a little late to the colonial game, and so, it tried its hardest to create its own empire, founding colonies only to fail much later. That is until the year 1624 when it colonized St. Kitts and Nevisball and Barbadosball successfully.