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  1. The United States declared war on the German Empire on April 6, 1917, nearly three years after World War I started. A ceasefire and armistice were declared on November 11, 1918.

  2. 6 de abr. de 2017 · The United States entered World War I in 1917, following the sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania and the shocking discovery of the Zimmermann telegram.

  3. Hace 5 días · World War I - US Entry, Causes, Impact: The U.S. declared war on Germany after U-boats sank three U.S. merchant ships. The March Russian Revolution led to the end of imperial Russia, and the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks ended Russia's role in the war when they signed the treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

  4. The First World War had an enormous impact on US politics, culture, and society. Advocates of female suffrage successfully linked the patriotic efforts of women in the war with voting rights. This strategy was highly effective, and in 1920, the US Congress ratified the Nineteenth Amendment , which guaranteed women the right to vote. 5 ‍

  5. The United States entered into World War I in April 1917, more than two and a half years after the war began in Europe. Apart from an Anglophile element urging early support for the British and an anti-tsarist element sympathizing with Germany 's war against Russia , American public opinion had generally reflected a desire to stay out of the war.

  6. The United States and the First World War. In the summer of 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, ignited a continental war between the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire and the Allies of France, Great Britain, Russia, and Italy.

  7. Why did America enter World War I? When WWI began in Europe in 1914, many Americans wanted the United States to stay out of the conflict, supporting President Woodrow Wilson’s policy of strict and impartial neutrality.