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  1. 17 de nov. de 2009 · Tradiciones y leyendas mexicanas by Riva Palacio, Vicente, 1832-1896; Peza, Juan de Dios, 1852-1910; Romero de Terreros y Vinent, Manuel, marqués de San Francisco, 1880-; Rosenberg, S. L. Millard

  2. Tradiciones y leyendas mexicanas, Part 1; Part 3 Vicente Riva Palacio, Juan de Dios Peza Full view - 1922

    • Vicente Riva Palacio, Juan de Dios Peza
    • 968691448X, 9789686914481
    • José Ortiz Monasterio
    • UNAM, 1996
    • sin más luz en las noches Que el farolillo del Santo. 240
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    EDITED WITH INTRODUCTION, NOTES AND VOCABULARY BY MANUEL ROMERO DE TERREROS y Vwncv^r (MARQUÉS DE SAN FRANCISCO) CorTespondiente de las Reales Academias Española y de la Historia, de Madrid; Comendador de la Real Orden de Isabel la Católica; Caballero de Malta S. L. MILLARD ROSENBERG, Ph.D. Associate Professo...

    El Visitador Muñoz In THE year 1563, the second Marqués del Valle de Oaxaca, Don Martín Cortés, son of Hernán Cortés, arrived in México, together with his half-brothers, Don Luis and Don Martín, the latter a son of the famous Doña Marina, the Conqueror's Indian inter- preter who played such a conspicuous...

    in spite of being a witch." Apparently she had a highly developed gift of ubiquity and she was, more- over, always ready to help anyone in distress. How it carne to pass that she fell into the clutches of the Inqnisition is made sufficiently olear in the text, though, of course, in view of her reput...

    great part of their time at the Palace in the Vice- roy's company. "Matters were brought to a crisis by Don Juan's appointment as Administrator of the Royal Ha- cienda, an office that gave him control of the great revenues derived froni the fleets which plied annu- ally between México and Spain. The con...

    ill-will against Don Juan and against the Viceroy was increased. "A far-reaching ripple from the wave of the Por- tuguese and Catalonian revolt of the year 1640, in- fluencing affairs in México, gave opportunity for this ill-will to crystallize into action of so effective a sort that the Viceroy was recal...

    quez, Chaplain to the Marqués de Guardiola, was walking along the street of El Coliseo when he was accosted by a stranger who asked him if he was willing to hear a confession. Father Vázquez in- quired if they had far to go. On receiving an answer to the contrary, the priest ordered the stranger to ...

    Cuando a cada instante llegan, Con gran lujo engalanadas, Las carrozas que conducen caballeros y a damas. Alzan rumor estruendoso Por todas partes las salvas, arcabuces, mosquetones, cohetes y bombardas, Porque México celebra Alegre en esa mañana, Como remedio a sus males. Ya crónicos, la llegada Del noble Mar...

    Qué dulce pasa la vida Del amor bajo el amparo!

    VI Una noche en que la lima Iba serena alumbrando; Cuando el toque de la queda Vibraba en el campanario; En su tranquilo aposento, Dulcemente iluminado Por el fulgor apacible Que inunda todo el espacio; Junto a la abierta ventana con un niño en los brazos, Con la mirada perdida En el horizonte vago, Donde ...

    IV Está desierta la plaza; El viento, que triste corre, Con sordo rumor semeja Gritos, lamentos y voces. Es la sombra tan espesa, Y tan lóbrega la noche. Que en un manto impenetrable Luna y estrellas se esconden. Óyese un rumor de pronto, Que el hondo silencio rompe, como de aves misteriosas, Que agitan al...

    a, to, at, on, by, with, according to, in, within, towards abandonar, to abandon, forsake, leave abierto, -a, {pp. of abrir), open, opened, pierced abonar, to support, bear out aborrecer, to abhor, hate abrasar, to bum ; to inflame abrazar, to embrace abrigar, to shelter abril, m. April; pl. (ntet.) years...

    africano, -a, African afuera, outside agitar, to agítate, perturb, shake agobiar, to oppress agolparse, to crowd, rush agonía,/, agony agonizante, suííering, dying agonizar, to be in agony; to be dying agorero, ornen -a, ni. and /. divinar; a. ominous, of ill agrado, m. aííability; pleasure, liking agravio, m. ...

    amo, m. master (of a house) ; lord amonestar, to admonish, advise amor, m. love; pl. gallantry, amours amorosamente, lovingly amortiguar, to deaden; to soften amparar, to shelter, protect, help amparo, protection, help, shelter amplio, -a, ampie, spacious ancianidad, /. oíd age anciano, -a, oíd; s. oíd man (wom...

    arreo, m. trappings arrepentido, -a, repentant, remorseful arrepentimiento, m. repentance arroba, /. weight of twenty-five pounds arrodillarse, to kneel arrogancia,/, arrogance; stateliness arrogante, spirited, proud arrojar (se), to throw, fling, cast, hurí arte, m. and /. art, cunning asalto, m. assault, violence a...

    atroz, atrocious, heinous, frightful audaz, bold audiencia, /. audience ; chamber, Court of Audience aullido, m. howl, cry, shriek aumentar, to increase aunque, although, though aurora,/, dawn auto de fe, public punishment by the Inquisition ; execution of the condemned autoridad,/, authority auxiliar, to help, aid;...

    barco, m. ship, boat, barge barrio, m. suburb, district bamintar, to conjecture, guess bastar, to suffice; ¡Basta ya!, that's enough! bastardo, -a, bastard, illegitimate, spurious, illicit bebedizo, m. philter or love potion belleza,/, beauty bello, -a, beautiful bendecir, to bless bestia,/, beast, animal bien, m. ...

    callejuela,/, lañe cama,/, bed cambio, m. change, exchange; en — , on the other hand; in return; instead caminar, to walk, move along; to progress camino, w. way, road; al buen — , to the road of happiness campana,/, bell campanada, /. stroke of a bell campanario, m. belfry, bell-tower campanilla, /. small ...

    ceremonia,/, ceremony cerradura,/, lock cerrar, to shut, lock cerrojo, m. bolt cesar, to cease ; sin — , incessantly ciego, -a, blind; mad cielo, m. heaven, heavens; ¡Cielo!, Great heavens! cien, one hundred; a hundred or more (ñg.) ciencia,/, science cierto, -a, certain, trae; por cierto, in truth cifra,/, fi...

    confesor, m. father confessor confianza,/, confidence; liberty; license confiar, to trust, hope; to confide confiscación,/, forfeiture; confiscation confiscar, to forfeit; to confíscate conformar, to conform, adjust, fit; — se, to comply, agree conforme, alike, as, corresponding to; estar — , to agree confundir, t...

    contino, (obs. for continuo), unintemipted ; de — , ceaselessly, continually contraído, -a, contracted; broken; shrunk contrito, -a, contrite, penitent contumaz, obstínate, perverse, stubbom conturbado, -a, disturbed, troublesome convencer, to convince convenido, -a, agreed upon convenir, to suit, become; to coincid...

    crecer, to grow, increase creciente, growing, crescent, increasing creer, to believe, think crespón, m. crape cresta, /. comb, crest (of hirds) ; stimmit, crest (0/ mountains) crimen, m. crime, guilt crin,/, mane cristal, m. crystal, glass cristiano, -a, Christian crónico, -a, chronic cruel, cruel "crujir, cruz,/, ...

    cuerdo, -a, prudent, sensible; not mad cuerpo, m. body; animation cuestas: a cuestas, on one's shoulders or back cuidado, m. care, pains, watch cuidar, to take care ; to heed, observe culpa,/, blame, fault, guilt culpable, guilty culto, -a, cultivated culto, m. worship cumplido, -a, larga, ful!, ampie; por —...

    chambergo, m. slouch hat chocar, to strike, clash, meet D daga, /. dagger dama,/, lady daño, m. damage, hurt, loss, hindrance, peril dar, to give; to cause; to strike; — con, to come upon (across) ; — en, to fall into ; to persist in dardo, m. arrow de, of, from, for, through, at, in, by, with, than ...

    decir, to say, tell, speak, utter declarar, to declare defensa,/, defense dejar, to leave; to let, permit; to cease, omit, forego; to stamp; — de -f inf. to fail to delante, in front, before delator, m. accuser, denouncer, informer delincuente, m. criminal; a. guilty, culpable delirar, to rave; to be deliri...

    despreciar, to despise, scom desprender, to unfasten, loóse, sepárate después, afterwards despuntar, to blunt ; to begin to dawn destacar, to detach; to send forth; to stand out, project desterrar, to exile destrozar, to tear to pieces; to lacérate destruir, to destroy desvalido, -a, helpless, destitute desvan...

    discreto, -a, cautious, wise, discreet disfrazar, to mask, hide, disgtiise disponer, to dispose; — se, to make preparations, get ready dispuesto, -a, {pp. of disponer), disposed distante, distant distar, to be distant, far away distinguir, to distinguish distinto, -a, distinct, diíferent diverso, -a, diverse, dií...

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  3. Tradiciones y leyendas mexicanas, escritas por Vicente Riva Palacio en colaboración con su ahijado Juan de Dios Peza, es un compendio de leyendas narradas en verso, que provienen de la tradición oral de la sociedad Novohispana.

  4. Vicente Riva Palacio, Juan de Dios Peza. J. Ballescá y Compañía, 1888 - Legends - 359 pages.

  5. Juan de Dios Peza: su retrato y biografía con el juicio crítico de sus obras y poesías escogidas de varios autores / coleccionadas bajo la dirección de Vicente Riva Palacio; contando además con la bondadosa colaboración de Ignacio M. Altamirano...

  6. Tradiciones y leyendas mexicanas, Part 1; Part 3. Vicente Riva Palacio, Juan de Dios Peza. Libreria General, 1922 - Legends - 385 pages. Preview this book ».